Chapter VI

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A/N: ehh I realize I write these and I say these Bc I have a shorter Brittana story coming up, I usually just prewrite a few chapter then publish them, but anyway I write these because I'm either going through a homophobic crisis or bored but please enjoy these while they last.


Britt pov

I walk into the buildings ready to talk to San about everything that happen until I stopped by non only then Sam. "Hey Britt you okay? You canceled lunch and all.." he says kinda upset about the whole ordeal. I sigh explaining that Santana wasn't feeling well, Sam apparently isn't a vampire either (A/N please remind me if I said he was I remember saying everyone who works there is one but I don't want Sam to be one for plot reasons.)

Sam isn't bothered by me canceling the date and just decides we can make a rain check.

I walk to the door where is currently the only think blocking me and Santana, I open the door and see her looking at a bunch of papers. "Ms.Pierce I need you too fill these forms out for me," She states coldly not even looking at me. "So we are going by last name?" I ask walking to her desk, "this is a work environment."

"Oh cut the crap Santana." I almost yell but it was loud enough to get her attention. "You and I both know that we need to talk and if we don't then it will only make things worst." I say and it's at this point I feel my face turning red with frustration. "What must we talk-" she says before I cut her off, "about what happened at my place, you think I'm just like your mother when you know that's not true one bit! I let you feed off of me and stay in my home," I began to yell to where I'm sure everyone can hear us. "You have not right to talk to me like that!" San yells back, "and what are you gonna do?" I question forgetting she is my boss and a vampire.

It wasn't til she pinned me to the wall where I felt a lump in my throat. I close my eyes waiting for  whatever awful thing she is about to do to me. "You're scared," I hear her whisper in my ear making my body shiver, I nod slightly still holding my eyes right shut. "I've been scared for years, if you wanna prove to me that you aren't my mother you're gonna have to do better." She says releasing me, I look at her confused, what better can I do? I let her feed off of me, I let her stay in my home,I do all her paperwork, what else can I do? Then it hits me...maybe San wants me to turn "San you do know what you are asking for me to do, right?" I ask scared that she might actually being asking me to do the unspeakable, "I do," she says walking back to her desk. "San I can't do that! I have a life to live I enjoy being a human!" I feel myself breaking because if I don't then I'm gonna lose my friend.

"Think about it You have three months to make a decision." She says sitting in her desk going back to her work, I sigh walking to my desk, why can't she just trust me? I really like Santana I know she isn't always like this, she has a sweet side but made her hide that sweetness and turned her bitter....

A/N I ended this short because I have something planned next chapter and because the motivation to write is so lacked but I didn't not wanna write something

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