Chapter ii

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A/N alright chapter two, I gots this lol

Santana pov

"I swear to god lady lips, if I don't have my papers here by tomorrow you are fired!" I yell through the phone getting irritated with miss pretty pants. It wasn't until I heard a few knocks on my door and saw her. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a red blouse. She was stunning, I swear I could eat her, literally. "Uhm hello, is there any work you need?" The girl asked, it was her first day and Santana needed to have an impression. "Yes, here are some files I need sorted," I say pointing to her desk where the left the papers. She walked to her desk bumming her foot on a chair. "Shit..." I hear her say but see she covers her mouth. "I'm sorry it slipped." She says, she so pure it amazes me. "Don't worry about it," I say brushing it off. "It's just really dim in here is all." I hear her complain, and for a moment I feel bad, I can't really be in the light but it was wrong to make her sit in the dark.

"I'll ask Sam to install some better lights in here in a min." I say going to my desk. "Oh you don't have too this is your office."

"I don't mind making adjustments for my assistant," I say giving her a small smile. I go to pick up my phone and call Sam. "Hello...yes I'll like to adjust the lights in my office....yes I know...I know...thank you sam." I end the call and sighed in frustration."Are you okay?" I hear a soft voice ask. "Yes just people can be frustrating." I say with a little bitterness in my voice.

Brittany POV

There was a light knock on the door and came in a blonde boy in a red shirt and blue jeans, "you want me to repair the lights?" He asked Santana looking a little confused. "Did I stutter on the phone?" The raven hair replied rolling her eyes. The boy looked kinda of nervous but gestured The lantina to come out of the office. Santana got up and walked out of the office but before she fully left I took a good glimpse and her ass was amazing...what am I thinking? She is my boss!

Santana was gone for about five minute and I heard faint conversations and the boy sound worried changing the light, but I didn't think much of it,I was taken out of my daze to the door opening and the two walking back in. "Hi I'm Sam, and no I don't like green eggs n ham." He said reaching to shake my hand. I laughed a little at his corny joke and shook his hand, "Brittany Pierce." I say smiling widely only to feel a glare at me and Sam. "You don't mind me asking but would you like to get lunch sometime?" The big lip guy asked, I laughed a little thinking how big his lips are but then thought about it. "Uh maybe, I mean I'm not busy but maybe!" I say as he gives me his number.

After Sam finish adjusting the lights he waved giving me a little smirk and walked out. "Cute," I hear a raspy voice say. I look and see Santana looking over at some papers. "Jealous?" I ask jokingly, I look at her and see her still just staring at her papers. she jealous of me. "Are you actually jealous?" I ask walking to her desk, I see her stiffen as I walk to her. "Why would I be jealous?" She says still not looking at me. I get close and lean over at the desk, "are you jealous of me?" I ask pushing the papers down, her worried stiffen look then turns into a confuse look. "No I'm not," she says but this time it sound more true then it did a minute ago. I sigh and sit back at my desk.

I hear a phone ring and see the Latina pick it up, "hello? Oh? Alright, well it's still too bright to go but uh maybe later...uh are you sure? Alright." I hear her talking and try not to be nosy but can't help it. She hangs up the phone and goes back to her work.
"Who was that?" I ask curious, she looks from her papers and sighs. "It was my friend Quinn, she coming to visit." She says a little annoyed as if she doesn't wanna see her. "That's cool, is she meeting now, because you have a meeting at 3:32," I say making sure I don't have to reschedule. She shakes her head no, "also you can leave early today, at 6 instead of 9," she says going back to the work. I was about to ask why but she seemed focus on what she was doing so I went back to work.

Work was kinda boring, mainly at 3 when Santana left for the meeting. Sam texted me but I wasn't really feeling it,I did agree to go to lunch but just as friends. I finished all my work and looked and saw it was 5:43 and Santana still wasn't back. I tried to get my mind off of Santana but that was impossible, she was just so oddly intriguing and mysterious and gorgeous. I wonder if she is a bottom....get your mind out the gutter Britt. Finally the Latina came in and turned to me. "'re still here? You can leave," She says kinda shocked. I nod heading out, "have a good night Santana!" I say waving and leaving.

As I walked out i saw a short blonde girl walk past me. She was flawless just like Santana.

I make it to my car which takes about 10 minutes to do, but once I got there I realize I forgot my keys. I'm sure Santana would understand, I rush back upstairs to go get my keys and I see Santana's door was cracked open. Before I opened the door I hear faint moans and rustle noises. I peek to see what's going on and I see Santana going at it on the blonde from befores neck. "Stay still Quinn, I wanna drain that pretty little neck of yours." I hear Santana say, I keep watching and I see Santana release the girls neck and I see something red drip from her mouth. And I gasp and fall back at what I just witness, way that's real. I try to get myself up and I run to my car.

As soon as I get to my car I realize I don't have my keys and I just start running to my house, it's the longest run I've every had to run but I had too. I couldn't let her know what I saw, no way what I saw was real. Santana isn't, they aren't real...right?

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