Chapter iii

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Santana pov

Quinn finally came after Brittany had left and as soon as she walks I grab her and sit her on my desk. "Feisty." I hear her say and I just smirk. I begin to kiss her tender neck and suck it but before I could she squirms a little. "Why so squirmy?" I ask getting irritated, "San, this is our last time doing this...I'm seeing someone and I know it not rlly cheating but still, you're gonna have to find someone else to feed off of." She says and I sigh kinda upset but I just shrug, "alright whatever now,Stop moving I wanna drain the blood from your pretty little neck." I say and I began to bite into her neck and drain the blood from her neck and as soon as I life from a bunch of blood dripping I hear a thud by my door. I go eye wide and I rush to my door and see a blur of someone making a turn at the door. I was about to chase them but I feel someone grab my wrist. "Quinn! They could find out!" I say shouting, "and do what?" Quinn says, "we know what happen to my dad, I refuse to die because of some human." I start to fill tear swell up, "your dad died because he fell in love with the wrong person. This person..what can they really do without any real evidence?" Quinn says and I can tell she's trying to calm down, but I know she just wants to feast on my neck as well. I sigh and go and sit down on the desk. And I feel her caress my shoulder and tilt my head sideways and slowly bites it.....

After me and Quinns...moment I head home and start to wonder who it was. Maybe Quinn is right, I mean my dad died being stupid. He fell for a human, I mean it's wrong to call my mom a bitch but she is the reason he is dead now, and I was just lucky to not be there. I sigh flopping on the couch and start to drift to sleep.

It's Thursday's and I go get ready for work. I go put on a black body fit dress that stoped art my thighs and I curl my hair. I head to my car and start to drive to work, it's 5 so the sun is barely out which is good because I could get burned. Me and Quinn talked and I guess Quinn has a necklace and keeps her from burning, and she says she will get me one but it will take awhile. I arrive to work and as I walk in and see Brittany already at her desk. I look at the time and see it's only 6:10.

"Uh Brittany..why are you hear so early." I ask lifting an eyebrow, she jumps at my voice and turns to me nervous. "I- I left my keys yesterday and it take me awhile to walk here so I got here early I guess." She says looking back to her work, I walk to her concern, I don't know what is going on, why am I concern for this human. "Hey you okay?" I try to touch her but she jumps away from me. "don't!" She says bumping into my desk, I look at her and I see fear in her eyes. "You was the one who saw," I say walking towards her, I can see her shaking and she puts her head down. "Brittany, did you see anything?" I saw picking up some tone in my voice. No reply, she keeps her head down and I walk closer. I can feel her slowly look up and we make eye contact. She has blue eyes that just pierce right through my skin, and the closer I get I can see every detail in her face, she is so beautiful. Her lips twitch as now I'm facing her and I get this urge to kiss her. I shake the thought and go back to before, "what did you see?" I ask her, she is hesitant for a moment but I see her breath slowly trying to calm herself down. "Britt,please tell me." I ask softly putting my hand on top of hers to calm her down. I feel a wave of shock hit me as I touch her hand, and I swore she felt the same because she looks back at me but her eyes don't show worry but lust and want. "What are you?" I hear her ask and it snaps me out my daze.

Brittany POV

"What are you?" I ask Santana wanting answers, she looks at me confused but she knows that I saw her last night and she just sighs. "I can't tell you.."

"Why not!" I ask shouting, "I can't sit here and working not knowing what you are and what you could do to me!" I exclaim and I see her flinch and I see hurt in her eyes. She takes a step back, "you see a monster don't you?" She says backing away more, no, no that's not it, I just got frustrated and a little scared. "No! Santana that's not it at all, but how can I trust you as my boss if I don't even know anything of you?" I say grabbing her hand and locking eyes. "Brittany..." she whispers, "trust me Santana, you can trust me." I say but she just looks somewhere else. "That's what my mom said to my dad before she killed him." I hear her say and I feel my mouth drop at the words that came out of her mouth. " Santana, did your mom kill your dad? You need to go to the police!" I yell but she cuts me off, "police don't help vampires Brittany! If anything they are after us like vampire hunters or something, as if we are evil and wicked when we just wanna live like humans." She states and I see tears falling and she can barely hold herself together. "Santana talk to me." I tell her as I motion for her to sit down next to me on the desk.

"I'm not fully vampire, my mom is human and my dad is a full vampire, I was born 1967, so I'm not THAT old." She laughs a little and laugh back. "Yea sure," I say rolling my eyes. "Anyway, we was a happy family, nothing was ever an issue or problem. We hid out vampire selves very easily. Until four years ago, my mom betrayed us. I don't know she did but she did and killed my dad, and luckily for me I wasn't there." She explained, "almost everyone here is a vampire, my dad own this company and everyone here worked here when he started or when I started, but everyone here is a vampire, except you." She says and I look at her a little confused. "Why did you hire me," I ask wanting to understand more. "You weren't like other humans, your scent wasn't normal and I wanted to really see if my nose was correct about you, and I think it might be right." She says and as she looks at me we make eye contact and I can feel her wanting to kiss me and I can't lie I want to kiss her too. She breaks out stare and continues, "we don't always have to depend on humans, vampires can drink from other vampires, and not everytime we drink from humans it turns them or kills them. There's a certain ritual to turn a human and you have to really feast to kill them." She explains and I nod understanding, "so what about sunlight?" I ask

She explain how she gets her at dawn and leaves when the sun begins to drop, but her friend Quinn came yesterday to talk to her about getting some necklace so she can walk in the sun. I get this filling as Santana explains this stuff to me, this fast beating in my chest. I grab Santana hand and look her in the eyes, "thank you Santana. For trusting me, I won't break that trust." I tell her and I see her blush a little, and I begin to blush but then I think about the Quinn girl, "wait are you and Quinn like together?" I ask a little jealous of the other blonde girl. Santana laughs, "jealous?" She ask coping from what I said yesterday, "yeah actually." I say looking her dead in her eyes. She just stares but shakes her head, "no, she has someone," she says and I sigh in relief and stand up. "Well I'm glad you trusted me with your story, but I think i should get my work done." I say laughing hoping she would ignore me telling her I was jealous. "Oh uh right, I need you to call these people for a party me and some people are having, and yes you are invited, it's for everyone who works here." She states and I nod.

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