Chapter IX

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A/N: I think that's nine in Roman numeral 💀, also I might write a fanfic like mr and mrs Smith, it would Probly have an actual thought out plot with slight smut idk

Brittany pov

Santana called Dani to make sure no hunters was around which I can't blame her, they apparently from what racheal said have been more active, and I can only imagine why...Sam.

Santana went and locked the door and brought me to the bed, I didn't really expect much to happen but maybe some magic and a bite but when I felt Santana start to pull my pants and jumped and grabbed her hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you.." I hear her whisper, hurting wasn't the issue it's what I had forgot and how Santana will react.

"Santana, are you a full lesbian?" I asked, scared she wouldn't accept what she would find.

"I believe I am? Why is this being suddenly brought up?" She asked examine my body to see if I was really a woman. I am a woman. I swear, but maybe I forgot to tell Santana I was different.

"Brittany talk to me." I heard Santana plead, I noticed she was worried but I was more worried of the reaction. I just nodded and let her continue and find out herself.

"The ritually is like intimate sex, where two souls share a connection where they are soulbounded together, so I'm gonna need you to relax." Her voice was so soothing I laid back down waiting for her to get it over with and be disgusted with what I am, a freak.

Santana moved up and caressed my cheek before kissing me softly and moving her hand to my waist holding me. She started to kiss lower and bit at my neck gently  and licked it. She moved lower grabbing the hem of my shirt and pulled it off with my help and uncliped my bra.

She began to message and pinch my left nipple as I felt her tongue swirl and nip on the right, I help my breath hitch and gasp every time I felt and bite or pinch. My pants began to tighten and it was beginning to get uncomfortable.

It wasn't until Santana fully sat in my lap she felt it as well, she jumped back a little surprised by the lump in my pants and gave me her usually confused face.

"Brittany?" Before she could finish I felt myself grab my shirt and run out the house forgetting my shoes and phone.

I got in the car and drove home where I notice Quinn and Racheal was still sitting where they was before, "hey is she okay?" Racheal asked concerned hoping to get good news, "yea no yea she is fine." I say trying to avoid talking about what almost happened.

"You're not telling us something? Something went down at Santana's, you reek of horniness." Quinn bursted laughing a little with her devious smirk. She almost reminded me of Santana but Santana had this glow, this perfect shine of brightness.

"Can I tell you guys something?"

"Really? B you're talking to two vampires who been hiding as humans for years," the shorter blonde stated reassuring I can tell them.

"I- I'm not a normal woman." I start off hoping that this will go good.

After explaining what happen and what my condition was the two females comforted me and told me Santana wouldn't judge wasn't just the judging tho it was the fact I might not get a chance to have her...she a lesbian and she might find me disgusting for not telling her. I was a real woman and I don't have my penis, I just hate how people react and how easily people leave me after finding out.

The doorbell went off and got up from the couch and went to go open and see who it was, it was some tall dark haired man. "Uhmm hello?" I questioned getting nervous they might be after Quinn and Racheal.

"Is racheal and Quinn here I need to talk to them.." he said kinda nervous as if I was gonna kill him. "If they aren't can you send a message, it's about our friends.." I start to realize that this might be another vampire, "are you a vampire?" I asked bluntly hoping to get an honest answer.

"Uh no my step brother is and his boyfriend, I'm an exhunter...I know! I know it sound suspicious but trust me I don't kill them anymore!" He exclaimed and finally Racheal came to check and automatically gave him a big hug, So hes a good guy.

"Oh Britt this is Finn, he helps us when hunters get active like this or when we are in bad situations," I nod allowing him to come in, "uh Quinn gave me your address so I know everyone was safe," he tells me trying to be as polite as he can be.

"Why are you here?" Racheal asked having me wonder the same thing, "it's about Tina...a hunter caught her just a few minutes ago by the park..." he drifted off, "I don't think they killed her yet but u was able to stall some time so they wouldn't..." he says sitting feeling sorry and guilty for letting them take her.

"Way about everyone else?" Quinn finally asked worried about the rest of them.

"Puck is fine, Mike, Blaine,Kurt, and Mercedes are all okay...I haven't heard from sugar or Rory...I heard the a hunter named Artie had eyes on them for awhile." (A/N: Artie can walk in this au) racheal gasped thinking maybe they are dead, but it's too early to assume I hope.

Another knock is on the door and I swear I mind as well invite everyone over. I yanked the door open and stopped locking eyes with her.

"Brittany can we talk," she asked walking inside. I nodded leading us to the bedroom, "looks like a vampire fiesta..." she says laughing a little

"You guys have fiestas?" I asked kinda hoping I can go to one, she scrunched her face but soon fixing it ready to talk about obviously what happen earlier today.

"What was that?" She asked boldly but a little nervous, "San, I'm not a normal woman, I-I'm intersex...." I drift off feeling her ready to say she is disgusted and ready to leave.

"Britt why didn't you just tell me?" She asked reaching out to hold my hand, "because I'm a freak and everyone I like and when I tell them...they run away..." I say feeling myself choke on my words.

"Britt I know I Probly hardly told you or let you know, but I don't like you because of what you have inside your pants, it's because you are funny, you're smart, and all the above gorgeous." I hear her say cupping my cheeks and wiping the tears away.

"Don't ever let anyone make you feel less Britt, you're amazing."

"Like a unicorn?"

"Yes a unicorn," she stars kissing me passionately. "Do you still wanna continue the ritual or do you wanna wait til you are ready?" The dark haired woman ask squeezing my hand a little letting me know she got me rather I decide to wait or not.

I nod my head, "I'm ready, I want you to turn me and I meant it Santana that I wanna be with you," I say getting up getting ready to head to her place.

"Hey guys me and Santana are gonna head to her place for a minute," I say hearing racheal telling us to be careful and safe.

We head to Santana and once we get in I see Dani on the couch watching some weird show. We move towards her bedroom we're San locks the door and we began....

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