Chapter XII

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A/N: imma cut this story short Bc I have other stories I wanna try out and this one is shockingly my longest I've done so far
Brittany wasn't ready to face work, she has only been turned for only awhile now and Santana has no other choice but to have the blonde work or Sam would get nosey and suspicious of the blonde and raven haired girls.

It was early so not a lot of people was there but the receptionist,Brittany, Santana, and of course the lovely Sam Evans. He's been getting here early to see if Brittany was here and well here she is.

"Hey Britt," Sam said smiling. "I haven't seen you in so long, are you feeling well?" The blonde boy asked acting as if he was really worried.

"Yes, I'm fine just a little under the weather," Britt said giving a weak smile. The real issue was Brittany trying to hold her urges to not feed off the trouty mouth boy and keep everyone safe.

While the two talked outside Santanas office she was at her desk trying to figure out what to do, Santana doesn't wanna leave her home, it would look weak but she doesn't want to start a fight between the hunters and the vampires it would cause to much damage.

Santana wanted to protect Brittany and she knew the only way was to Probly leave the state and find somewhere else and someone else to take her place here, but who? It had to be someone the Latina trusted and someone she knew who wouldn't get hurt or cause a lot of trouble.

But first Santana needed to get rid of Sam, he knew too much and could cause everything to backfire. Hell she was stuck in a crossfire.

She continued to think until her phone rung and saw it said franknteen. She quickly picked up the phone, "Lopez how may I help you-"

"Santana we need to go, now!"

"Why?" The Latina looked around her door and thought about Brittany.

"Just bring Britt and go, I'll explain when you get here," the boy said before hangin up. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Santana thought ready to throw her phone. She got up and rushed out and saw Britt and some others having a talk and Sam nowhere to be spotted.

Santana grabbed Britt by the hand and rushed out the building to her car, "Sannn..if you wanted sweet lady kisses this badly you could've just said so," the taller vampire said playfully rolling her eyes.

"I'd love to joke and have sweet lady kisses Britt Britt but we gotta head to my house like ASAP," the Latina said starting the car and heading out.

"Why what's wrong?"

"I have no idea, Finn the whale called and told me to hurry to my house, do you know where sam went?" The tan girl asked hoping for answers.

"He said he had some stops to run before coming back to work-"

"I bet that fish lip fuck is trying to cross us and break our deal and kill us all!" Santana shouted rushing home. Even though Santana technically the one to break the deal first.

The two make it to the latinas home and see a few cars parked and it just looks suspicious.

Everyone of Santana's friends was here all in worry. "Santana! You made it!" Quinn said hugging the tan girl tightly.

"The hunters are planning on attacking today, I got the news from a hunter a few hours ago and called everyone as soon as I could," Finn says standing up trying to get himself together.

"We need to leave-" Rachel was about to suggest til Santana cut her off.

"I'm not leaving!"

"Santana stop being stubborn and think! Everyone's lives are at risk and even brittanys now! We don't got a choice and we can't fight back there only a few of us and a army of them!" Rachel shouted standing her ground. The girl was annoying but she was right this wasn't a time to think selfish they had to think quick and fast.

Santana looked around and saw everyone was practically agreeing with the shorter girl.

"Fine but we're coming back and we're putting a fuckin end to these bastards," Santana sighs and every just nods.

"I know that must've been hard making that decision, not like you to not be selfish satan," Santana chuckles at the boy who is at her doorway.

"Eat shit porcelain," Santana laughed. Kurt wasn't wrong Santana was never one to sacrifice her business or anything all because of some hunters.

"It's because of Brittany isn't it?" He asked sitting next to her.

"Yea, she means everything to me and I can't lose her, I don't want to too," the girl admits which shocked Kurt a bit.

"I know how you felt I felt the same way with Blaine, tho he was turned by my enemy Sebastian, I always loved him and didn't want to lose him," Kurt admits thinking about how Blaine and Kurt met and fell in love. It was a forbidden thing sense you wasn't really suppose to fall for or follow anyone else but the that turns you.

Of course it's possible but it's a rare case in some but Santana's of course.

"We're leaving around dawn just get some sleep,"Kurt Hugged the girl and left.

Santana laid on her bed thinking how things got so chaotic so's her fault... she shouldn't have done what she did, she broke the deal first anyway. She gets up and see her friends in the living room laughing and talking. She sees Brittany and smiles, she looks so happy and Santana wasnt gonna be selfish and take it from her.

She writes a letter she's wrote one to Quinn letting the girl take over her company and she writes a letter to Brittany and tells her how she feels and pops the window from her room and hops out. Luckily the jump wasn't that bad she was able to land safely and head to the one place she never thought she would go.
It's the next day and Brittany is the first to wake, she goes to find her beautiful Latina but when she gets to the room she sees the sheets are still neatly done and two letters on the bed. Brittany grabbed the one with B on it and opens it.

Dear my beloved Brittany,

You are my soul and life and just seeing you happy made me realized that I got to protect that smile. So I've gave myself to the hunters and Sam, this isn't how I'd thought our last words would be but some things just take you by surprise don't they? I love you and always will.


Brittany felt herself crying, what the heck was Santana thinking? How can Brittany be happy when her lover is out getting tortured or worst already dead. The blonde her sobbing woke the others because Quinn and Rachel peep in and look at the taller blonde.

"Britt?" The brunette ask.

"She gave herself up for us, they gave her somewhere and she's out there suffering just to keep my happy..." Brittany bust back into tears sobbing feeling everything being torn out of her.

Brittany wish this was dream, but she knows it isn't. "I'll go wake Finn," Rachel says walking out. "She... left a note for you to Q," the sobbing blonde sniffles handing her a letter.

Quinn picked the letter up and read it, it explains Santana plan and Quinn now owning the company. Quinn can't even function her hands are shaking squeezing the paper. "She so damn stupid..." Quinn chokes out crying. "Where gonna her her back Brittany, were not gonna let them lay a hand on her," Quinn says holding the blonde. "I promise."

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