Every little girls grow up in the eye of their parents, and they become their parent's sweet little princess but Evelyn grew up differently. She grew up hating her parents. She was only six when her parents divorced. And she and her brothers ended up under the custody of their mother. Her mother was always busy with works and hardly stays home whilst her father's whereabouts became unknown after the divorcement, and he never cared to pay a visit to his children.

Her three beloved brothers were the only reason she didn't run away from home. They looked after her, and she grew up with them. She was broken, hurt and longing for parents love and her brothers somehow filled a small part of such void. Her brothers are the only angels she loves with all her heart.

Evelyn is not like any normal teenage girl who dream to fall in love and make the most beautiful moments out of it. She's rough, tomboyish and has an unruly attitude. She crashed whoever or whatever comes in her way. She can be as bitchy as she can be.

An open book? Absolutely not.

A true friend? She's one ride-to-die friend.

But not every friend stay with us all the time. Afraid of being left alone, she often tends to push people away from her before they do it to her. Her perspective of having a close attachment to other people are not to get too much of attachment with them. True friend is indeed a rare gift to find in this world of fake. But she has got one, her ride-to-die best friend, Brian Wright who is always there for her through every roller coaster ride of her life.


Evelyn stayed inside the principal's office, waiting for her mother to arrive. She tapped her feet on the floor impatiently and stared blankly at the principal who was sitting opposite to her by the table.

"How many times will I tell you not to fight?" Mrs. Evergreen grunted and pinned her with a stern look. Evelyn rolled my eyes over and crossed her arms over her chest, giving the principal a dull expression.

"I don't know. I lose count of it." Evelyn said in a bore tone before turning into an angry bird. "But why am I the only one to get parent's called? I'm not the only one who got involve in a fight, the—"

"After what you did to them, you think they'll be able to stand right now in my office." Mrs. Evergreen cut her off angrily, "For god's sake, they are in hospital now, Evelyn," She sternly spoke to which Evelyn rolled her eyes over and huffed.

She knew what she did, and she made a mistake losing her temper over those dramaqueens. She should have known that they were a professional actress in playing fake roles. She simply threw a soft punch at each of them, and they were all acting like they've been shot by bullets.

"You have a very unruly attitude, Evelyn. I warned you number of times but this time it's out of hand, the parents are complaining and wants to deal with you on their own," She sighed in exasperation.

"Let them come then," Evelyn deadpanned under her sigh, "You care about their complaints but you can't see the bruises on me, don't you? They started it first and attacked me, Principal." She said under her gritted teeth.

The door clicked open and Mrs. Summer strode inside with her usual cold facial expression.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Summer." Mrs. Evergreen greeted her in a forced smile before gesturing her to sit on the empty seat beside Evelyn. Evelyn glanced up at her mother who was already looking down at her, analyzing her discolored skin on her face.

"What did my daughter do?" Mrs. Summer inquired calmly looking at the principal. Evelyn became furious but wounded at the same time by her mother's questioned, but she didn't let it show. Nobody asked her about the rational motive for why she got caught up in fight because all of them think that she started it first—not even her mother cares to know about the reason behind it. She expected it but it always wounded seeing her mother being so regardless about her.

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