After the function, everyone indulges in greetings, introductions and talks of business matters or whatever benefits they get from being sociable. Evelyn has never been interested in socialising with people especially when it comes to high-status people. Whenever she attends such party as this, she will always go on the roof or balcony and stay there to avoid indulging in unwanted and stupid talks of business matter. But now the only difference is that she has friends present at this party as well.

Evelyn looked around for her friends and saw them standing in one corner, grinning widely towards her. She let out a chuckled before going towards them.

"OMG! Eve, you look stunning," Cornelia squealed cheerfully and hugged her. 

Evelyn gently pulled away and noticed a new guy between them. But then she quickly recognised him, he was the guy who was with Cornelia that night.

"You're new," Evelyn said casually before adding, "And what did I miss!"

"Eve, this is Mike Chalamet- a new student of sec-C. And we two are dating," Cornelia said with a bright smile while Mike let out sheepish chuckled beside her.

"Well, that was fast," Evelyn amused raising both her eyebrows, "Anyways, congrats to both of you," She added with a smile. Then she turned her gaze towards Aaleyah and smile slyly before hugging her.

"Any progression," Evelyn whispered softly before pulling away and threw a glanced at Brian. Aaleyah gave her a pointed look before shaking her head slightly.

After some moments of talking with her friends, Evelyn excused herself and went towards Isaac who was busy sharing talks with a middle-aged man and Kevin stood silently beside them. 

"Isaac," She sweetly called out to her brother drawing their attention towards them. 

"Eve," Isaac smiled and extended his hand towards her, gesturing her to come and join him. Evelyn smiled and glanced at Kevin as she came beside her brother. Isaac rested his hand over her shoulder and nudged her side gently.

"Mr Coleman, this is my sister, Evelyn and Eve, this is Elvis Coleman and his son, Kevin." Isaac introduced them to each other. 

"Kevin and I go to the same college." Evelyn deadpanned and looked at Elvis expressionlessly. Elvis slightly creased his brows in confusion before smiling at her.

"Well, that's-"

"You know-" Evelyn interrupted him while Kevin looked at her with pointed expression. "Your son is a great friend, Mr Coleman. He is a very good listener and a very understandable friend. I bet he learnt that from you. I see you listen to your son very well and advice him like a good friend." She said and openly lied to him. "It's very rare to see father and son getting so well in this generation." She added.

"Indeed, it is," Elvis said awkwardly and did a light tug on his suit before throwing a sheepish glanced at his son. "I'm glad that my son has a friend like you."

"No, I am lucky to have a friend like him," Evelyn said throwing a smile at Kevin. 

"Evelyn, let's go and grab a drink, shall we?" Kevin said politely to which she nodded at him smilingly. They both excused themselves and walked toward the table.

"What were you trying to do back there?" Kevin asked casually as they both reached their hands to grab a glass of wine.

"Nothing, I was just trying to socialize with high-status people," Evelyn answered amusedly before taking a sip of her wine. Kevin chuckled at her before sipping down his wine.

"By the way, you're looking gorgeous tonight," Kevin complimented with a sincere smile.

"Thank you. And you're looking very gentleman in suits." She said under her amused smile.

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