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"Are you sure about this?" He asks, taking his eyes away from the sky to look at her. The woman next to him is absently staring at the beautiful sunset. She sighs and turns to face him.

"Of course I am sure! I don't care about my mother's wishes, this wedding will not take place!"

"But why so suddenly? You were fine with it until a couple of weeks ago"

"Because I realized that no matter how hard we try, we are never going to be happy together. We have been friends for as long as I can remember and I don't want to ruin our relationship by getting married because our parents said so. Arranged marriages always end up in divorces, have they never watched a soap opera or something?!"

She crosses her hands over her chest, pouting like a child and puffing on her nose. So much for acting like a twenty three year old woman. The man laughs and she can't help but crack a smile as well.

"And..." she begins, looking back at the sky with a lost look on her face. "We both are in love with other people as well," he opens wide his eyes at her statement and blushes madly at being found out.

"You—You noticed?" He rubs the back of his head in a nervous way. She sighs. 

"Takashi... You look at Ushijima-san like she's God walking on Earth. It was pretty obvious, trust me" 


"I saw you two talking when she came to congratulate you on your victory. You looked constipated the whole time—"

"(Mother's name)!" She starts laughing out loud, covering her mouth with her hand. "Stop laughing, you have no idea how hard it was to talk to her. I thought I was going to faint!"

"Well, get used to it. Now that you are a professional volleyball player, more girls will come to court you," she winks at him, grinning. 

"You're not mad?" He asks shyly.

"Mad? No, on the contrary. I'm relieved that you are not in love with me. Now I know that I can end things without feeling bad," she stands up and dusts herself off. "Let's go, we have a dinner to attend and a wedding to cancel"

He doesn't get up immediately, just looks down. The fear is starting to bubble up in his chest.

"Are you sure that you—"

"Taka-kun, we are not going to get married. Period. Now, let's go eat our last meal before our parents murder us"

"Don't joke about that!" She laughs at him again as he gets up and they start walking towards his house.

"Nee, I know that this is coming out of nowhere, but let's never arrange a marriage for our children, okay? Can you promise me that?"

"I promise"

And yet...

"(Name), this is Wakatoshi-kun. One day you are going to be his bride so try to get along with him, okay?"

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