Chapter 11

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Undyne groaned in annoyance at the immense heat in Hotland and grumbled something along the lines of 'Stupid' and 'Waterfall is way better.' We had caught up to Frisk and Papyrus, who was still looking very enthusiastic of course and practically bounced up and down when he wasn't walking. We got to Alphys' lab and Undyne's face turned from annoyed to eager for a split second as she knocked on the door. It was a few seconds before Alphys pressed a button and made the lab doors open and was startled to see Undyne and Papyrus with a human. "O-oh hello t-there." Papyrus did a large spin. "HELLO ALPHYS!!! WE NEED TO PASS THROUGH HERE TO GET TO THE BARRIER!!!" Alphys visibly flinched at how loud Papyrus' voice was. "What? W-w-why do you n-need to go to the B-b-b-barrier?" I spoke up, chuckling a bit and motioning to Frisk with my tail. "Take a wild guess." Alphys' eyes widened and she stepped to the side, realizing that she was in the way. I could tell she knew what we were going to try to do. Undyne patted Alphys' head. "Bye nerd!" Alphys blushed and stuttered goodbye and rushed away to deactivate the puzzles that she had turned back on for Frisk.

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