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Wang yibo and Wang Zhan stood in front of the roller coaster...

"Are you serious about riding that thing?"

Wang Zhan gulped..


Wang Zhan looked unsure while saying that making Wang yibo a little agitated.

"What do you mean by looking and sounding so unsure like that?!"

"Well...I can't possibly tell if it's fun just by watching!"

"Haven't you ride that thing before?!"

"Of course not!I'm quite afraid of heights!"

"Then why should we ride that thing?!"

"Oh come on!it's not that bad!"

"It isn't?!"

"Of course!and besides!we get to seat together?"

Wang yibo glared at Wang Zhan for a while and looked at the rollercoaster and the shouting people whose riding it...

Looking at seems really fun...

But he wouldn't risk his life just to see if that thing is fun or not!

In the past...he has nothing to lose if he dies...

But now...

There's Wang Zhan who he doesn't want to leave...

He only has 2 days right now...he didn't want to shorten it anymore than that...

"Wang yibo!it's our turn!"


"What?we've already waited for an hour!it's gonna be ok!....I think....but yeah!it's our turn let's just ride it and enjoy it!"

Said Wang Zhan and pulled Wang yibo in front of the seats ...

Wang yibo had no choice but to sit and put the seatbelt carefully...

"Are you sure about this?"

Asked Wang yibo again and Wang Zhan even though nervous rolled his eyes as if he's not nervous...

"Of course!don't you trust me?"

Wang yibo were quite surprised by Wang zhan's confidence...

When did he get this fearless?

Well...he's always fearless whenever I least expect maybe...I should really trust him this time too?

"Fine then."said Wang yibo and kept quiet...

They waited for a few minutes when they suddenly felt the roller coaster starting...


Wang yibo Flinched at Wang zhan's High pitched voice!

"What the hell!did you just scream?!"

It's only just starting and he's already screaming!

Where did all of his confidence go?!

"Ahhh!!Wang yibo!ahhhh!!stop the ride!stop the ride!"

Wang yibo noticed that everyone started looking at the both of them...

"Shut up!we can't!it's too late!and besides!weren't you so confident about this?!"

"Of course that was all a bluff!I'm very much scared and nervous you dumbass!"

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