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After Wang Zhan eating and puking all the food and making Wang yibo feel like shit.....Wang Zhan was finally done...

Wang yibo and Wang Zhan decided to go to the grocery and buy things... mostly foods though...

Wang yibo and Wang Zhan got in the lambo and Wang yibo started to drive...

"What do you think about sausage and things like those?"

Wang yibo made a disgusted face...

"I would honestly prefer steak though..."

"Yeah?can you cook?"

Mocked asked Wang Zhan...

"Are you insulting me?"

"I'm simply asking,don't be so bitter."

"Tsk!I'm not bitter so just shut up Zhan Zhan."

"Make me."

Wang yibo looked at Wang Zhan after stopping his car because of the green light.

"Shut up Zhan Zhan...were you always this daring?"


Wang yibo rolled his eyes and started the car again.

After a while...Wang Zhan and Wang yibo got off the car and walked to the grocery store.

As soon as Wang Zhan got in the grocery store he immediately rushes to those who sells the easy cook food and Wang yibo has no choice but to follow him...

"So...sausage....and then... hotdogs right?and then eggs and then...canned goods?I think this works too...

"Seriously?how about a restaurant?"

"A person who can't cook would always think about restaurants instead of actually Learning to cook,you only know how to eat so shut up!"

"Yah!I know how to cook you know?!I learned it before our parents died!that was just a one mistake ok?!"

"No one make mistakes like that."said Wang Zhan and started to get every food that he sees would fit the easy-to-cook food.

Wang yibo had no choice but to kept quite...

He already had his ego crushed...he can't have it crumbling too.

And then after Wang yibo paid for the food Wang zan bought they got in the car and got home.

After getting home and Wang yibo Insisting to cook and prove Wang Zhan that he can cook and Wang Zhan insisting for Wang yibo to just keep quite and wait for the food he's to which Wang Zhan won because every bit of his words were an insult to Wang yibo...

Wang yibo had no choice but to wait for Wang Zhan to finish cooking again.

And he grudgingly ate all the food Wang Zhan cooked...

He can't spit the food Wang Zhan cooked...

Since he has no reason to...

Wang yibo was frustrated by that fact...but decided to shrug it off.

"Now....Where should we go next!"cheerfully exclaimed Wang Zhan after Wang yibo finished washing the dishes... because Wang Zhan cooked and Wang yibo had done nothing but to eat(insisted Wang Zhan) and so Wang yibo...wether he likes it or not...has to wash the dishes.(which includes the morning dishes too.)

Wang yibo boredly looked at Wang Zhan...

He's still sulking about the fact that Wang Zhan had made him feel shit and keeps insulting about his one mistake.

"Go out yourself,it's hot you know?"

Wang Zhan pouted...

"But we should at least visit some place before...."

Wang Zhan trailed off...

"There's no we."

Wang yibo said and looked at Wang Zhan's eyes for a while...

"There is?"

Wang Zhan looked down

"You're crazy!"stated Wang yibo after seeing Wang Zhan's reaction.

Wang yibo's emotions were now mixed with sulking,anger,worry and everything...

"What the fuck Zhan Zhan?!you can't!"

"Why can't I?you're leaving..."

"So you decided to go with me is that it?"

Wang Zhan looked up at Wang yibo with his determined eyes.


"I forbid you."

"And I choose to be hardheaded."

Wang yibo looked at Wang Zhan with his warning eyes.

"You wouldn't."

"I would."

"Wang Zhan!"

"Wang yibo!"

Both shouted at the same time.

"Are you gonna be this hard headed?really?!"

"Do you think I can live without you?you're really leaving me...all alone!you can't possibly think that i'll be okay without you with me..."

Wang yibo sighed...

"You think that it'll be easy because you're not the one who's gonna be left behind! because it's me that will be left behind!so you don't know how scary and sad it know that you'll be left behind by someone you love and cherish..."

He didn't have a say in that...

He knew how hard it'll be for Wang Zhan to live without him...

After all...he also can't seem to leave with him knowing that Wang Zhan would be left alone...

And sometimes....he's scared that after he leaves....Wang Zhan would be able to fall in love with someone else...

Why not?

There's a high possibility that Wang Zhan would learn to love someone else

After all....

He's not the type of guy who Wang Zhan wants...

He's just fortunate enough that Wang Zhan learned to love him...

He's scared...he's scared of being left alone in hell too...

Wang yibo and Wang Zhan stayed quite for a while...

As if feeling each other...

And then Wang yibo smirked.

"What is mine but only you can have?"

Wang Zhan smiled and then answered...

"Your heart."

"Yes....Zhan Zhan ..only you can have my it the same for you?"

"Of course...only you...can also have my heart...I'll only be willing to love you... someone else who isn't you...will never get me."

"Are you really sure About going with me?"

"Of course."

"But you'll suffer there you know?"

"Not If you make a deal."

Wang yibo frowned at what Wang Zhan were hinting.


"I made a deal with that thing...I told him that I'll go with you to hell but we always have to be together."

"And he agreed?"

"Well yeah...doesn't mean that we'll get away from the hell itself though."


"Yes...I'm stupid...I'm a fool...I'm retarded and everything..but whose fault is that?"

"It better be me."


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