Chapter 13: Dream Boy

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Maya POV

I wake up with Brandon's arms around me. I stare at him for a while trying not to wake him. He looks so peaceful. I wish we could stay like this forever. He just gives me this sense of protection that nobody has ever given me before. And he seems to be the only one that cares. I mean my dad left me, my mom has practically abandoned me, Riley is to caught up in Lucas right now, and Lucas is just a jerk. But Brandon is different, it's like he can see right through me and no matter how much I fake a smile he can always see that something is wrong.

"Have a good night sleep," he says with a lazy smile.

"Yes," I smile back at him

"How long have you been staring at me," he says with a devilish smirk.

"A couple minutes," I say while blushing.

"Like what you see," he says with a wink.

"Haha, we need to get ready for school," I say with an ache in my stomach.

"You're probably right," he says as he sits up next to me. Then he looks at me, a way nobody has ever looked at me before. Then he leans in and kisses me. And not some silly old peck on the lips and really deep passionate kiss. We finally break apart after several minutes and we just stare at each other. "Maya you're beautiful. Will you please be my girlfriend?" he says with that smile I can't resist. I then lean in and kiss him again. We pull apart for a second and then he says, "So is that a yes?" Then I kiss him again.

After were done. I put on one of his red sweatshirts and the leggings I was wearing yesterday. We have to take a city bus to get to school since the hospital is so far away from school. When we arrive at school we go our separate ways since I have to go talk to Riley.

"Maya!!" Riley yells

"Hey Riels," I say as she pulls me into a hug. Then the last person I'd ever want to see comes up to us.

"Hey Riley," Lucas says, "I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my apartment tonight."

"Uhh ummm," Riley say with disbelief, "I'll have to go ask my dad," she says eith a smile then runs off to his classroom.

"Maya, I'm.." And I cut him off right there.

"Don't," then I walk away to Mr.Matthews class and find a spot where I can sit next to Brandon. When the bell rings all the kids storm in and I spot Brandon. I wave to him and he smiles and sits next to me. The whole time Mr.Matthews is talking I replay the kiss in my head over and over. Then I look over at Brandon and realize he is staring at me. I blush and look away. Then I start to think that maybe everything will be okay.

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