Chapter 17: Truths

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Riley POV

And just like that she left without a word. That's when I burst into tears. I can't believe my bestfriends would do this to me. I thought friends were supposed to build each other up, not break each other down. I then began to scream with anger. I was angry at Maya and Lucas and is as angry at myself for being so stupid not to see what was happening right in front of my eyes.

I must of screamed to loud because my parents came rushing in.

"Riley! Are you okay what happened?" my dad said with a worried look.

"Honey are you okay," my mom said coming in after him. They both came over to me and hugged me which made me cry even more. And we sat there in silence. They held me close as I cried knowing that I wouldn't want to talk about it.

Lucas POV

I'm so stupid. I can't believe it. Why Lucas why did you have to kiss my? No not even that, why did you even like her? You knew she was going to break your heart in the end!! You shattered Riley's heart because you couldn't pick between them. Riley has such a kind heart and now you've broke it. Why did I even move here!! In Texas I didn't have any stupid girl drama like this! I love Riley and now I've screwed up any chance I could have with her.

Why were you even friends with Maya, she's a rebel, a trouble maker. But that's what made her so special.. NO NO NO stop thinking about Maya. I hate Maya. I wish we'd never met. I was about to scream when I heard a knock on my door so I went to see who it was.

"Maya?" I was shocked she'd come here after what happened.

"Can I come in," she asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said as she pushed past me.

"Lucas I can't do this," she said.

"Do what," I asked her obviously knowing.

"Like each other. Riley hates us now and I would never do any to hurt her and.." I cut her off right.

"Maya I don't like you," I said with confidence.

"What?" She asked confused.

"You heard me. I don't like you. Never have never will." I said looking straight at her.

"But what about the kiss?" She said obviously hurt.

"It meant nothing to me. I hate you," I said with an angry face. The. Is aw a single tear roll down her soft cheeks, the she pushed past me and ran out the door and that was the last time I saw Maya.


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Do you think Lucas was to harsh on Maya?

Lucas or Brandon?

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