Chapter 9: Forgotten

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Lucas POV

As soon as she leaves I realize something is wrong. When I was playing our "game" she didn't say anything back. MAYA ALWAYS SAYS SOMETHING BACK! Great Lucas now you've really screwed it up! Wait what am I am saying I like Riley. And I plan on asking Riley out at her birthday. But Maya had the cutest smile and the prettiest eyes. Okay stop it Lucas you need to get Maya out of your head. Tomorrow you are going to avoid and ignore Maya at all cost!!!

When I arrive at school I wait for Riley so I can walk her to class. Then I see them walk in so I wait until Maya walks away to go up to Riley.

"Hey Riley," I say with a smile. Then Maya spots us and walks back up.

"Hi," she says. I don't even look at her.

"Riley may I do the honors of walking you to class," I ask Riley.

"You may," she says as I take her arm. I walk away as quick as I can.

Maya POV

That's so weird I thought. He just totally ignored me. What's up with him? What's wrong with me? Great Maya you screwed another thing up. You're worthless. Then I feel the tears begin to role down my face. So I turn around quickly, only to find someone's arms wrapped around me.

"Maya, what's wrong?" Brandon ask.

"I'm worthless nobody likes me! I hate my life!" I yell into his chest.

"Maya calm down okay," he says in a soothing tone. Then the bell rings.

"I can't go into class like this!" I say as more tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

"It's fine, we can be late together," he says to reassure me. After 2 minutes the tears stop and my face is dry. "Are you ready to go to class now?"

"Yes," I say.

Then we walk into class. "Brandon and Maya you're late," Mr.Matthews says.

"Sorry Mr.Matthews," Brandon says.

"It's fine just take your seat," Mr.Matthews says. I'm about to sit in my regular spot when Brandon grabs my waist and takes me back to the seat next to him. After class ends Brandon stops me.

"What?" I ask him.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" he asks.

"My friends are ignoring me and I don't know why," I say as I'm about to cry but before I do he pulls me into a hug.

"I'll be your friend," he says while he wipes my tears away.

"Thanks," I say with a smile.

"So after school you wanna hang out again today?" he asks.

"Yes definitely," I say with a smile. Then he walks me to my next class.


Who do you like better RebelHart or Lucaya?

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