Chapter 15: Downhill

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Maya POV

Riley. She was on the verge of tears. She looked back and forth from me to Lucas. "Riley wait!" I yelled. Then she ran out. I was about to run after her when Lucas caught my arm.

"Maya wait," he said

"Let go of me," i said as I yanked my arm from him and ran after Riley. I saw the door slam shut and I knew where she was going. Then Lucas grabbed my arm again.

"Lucas it's your fault, let go of me!" I yelled at him to turn around and find Brandon.

"What's Lucas's fault," he asks with a worried look.

"Umm it's nothing but I've got to go," then I take off running before he can say anything.


I couldn't help but keep looking over at Maya and Brandon. Maya kept looking at him like he was some god. I wish that was me. After a while of staring I choose to walk up to her and ask to talk in private


"Can I talk to you," I say as I put a hand on he shoulder which she shakes off. The she looks at Brandon like she needs approval from him.

"Sure," she say as I roll her eyes. I then walk her to my room and then I debate what I'm going to say for a minute for a minute.

"What," she says inpatiently.

"Do you like Brandon?" I finally ask not looking at her for fear I know the answer will be.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend," she says with confidence.

"He's your WHAT?!" I yell at her. Because I definitely wasn't expecting that answer at all. She barely knows him!

"My boyfriend, do I need to spell it out for you?" she says with attitude

"Maya, I love you," I don't know why I said that but I don't take it back. The. I take a step towards her.

"No you don't," she says as she steps away from me.

"Let me show you just how much I love you," I say and before I even realize it, I smash my lips on hers. Then I start to kiss her and then surprisingly she kisses me back. Then she pushes me off her but I wanted more. Then we hear something fall off my dresser and we both look to the door and I couldn't believe who I saw.

Riley with the most hurt look on her face. I start to feel all terrible in side. She looks back and forth between me and Maya. Then I see a single tear roll her face. And I know what she's thinking. BETRAYAL. She then runs out the door. Maya tries to follow her but I grab her arm to stop her.

"Maya wait.." Then she cuts me off.

"Let go of me," she yells. I let go of her arm and then she leaves. I stand there for a minute thinking. Thinking about I just lost two of the most important girls in my life and how they will never forgive me.


Lucas said he had to go talk to Maya but he's been gone for awhile. So I decided I better go check to see if they're having any problems they didn't tell me about. I walk down the hall to Lucas's bedroom. What I see, hurts more than any wound.

Lucas is kissing Maya and Maya is kissing him back. I try to run away but then I knock something off Lucas's dresser. They spring apart and both look at me. Then I feel a single tear roll down my face.

I feel so betrayed. I can't believe Lucas would kiss Maya my bestfriend when I thought he liked me and Maya, I thought she knew how much I liked Lucas. And before I start to ball my eyes out I run out of the room and out of the apartment before anyone can see me.


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