Chapter 14: Birthday Disaster

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Maya POV

The final school bell rang for the day. Maya was one of the first people out of the building. She stood and looked into the crowd trying to find Brandon. After Mr.Matthews class he asked if he could walk me to Riley's party so we could get to know each other better. Then somebody grabs me from behind and yanks my arm to spin me around.

"MAYA MAYA MAYA!!!" Riley yells in my face.

"What," I asked her peeking over her shoulder still looking for Brandon.

"MY DAD SAID I COULD GO TO LUCAS's!!!" She screams with excitement. I already knew he would. I told him that the only reason he asked Riley to come to his place is so we could throw her a surprise party and he agreed to let her go if she asked.

"Hey, Riley ready to go?" Lucas says as he comes striding towards us.

"Yes," Riley says with that odd but cute smile she gets whenever she talks to Lucas.

"Alright let's go," he says as he holds out his arm. Riley takes it and then they leave me alone.

After several minutes the crowd clears out and Brandon is no where near to be found. He must of forgotten so I head to Lucas's alone. Then when I'm about to turn the corner around the school, somebody jumps out and grabs me. My first instinct is to punch them where I know it hurts, so I do. Then I turn around to see who it is and sure enough Brandon is curled up in a ball holding his you know what. I can't help but laugh.

"You've got a strong arm," he says barley breathing.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you," I say laughing.

"Well that was a bad idea to sneak up on you," he says sitting up.

"Yeah it was," I say as we both laugh. After a couple minutes he's able to stand again so we head to Lucas's. We talk and talk and talk before I finally look at the time.

"Oh my gosh!" I yell.

"What," he asks.

"We have five minutes before we have to be at Riley's party," I say as I grab his hand and drag him after me. We make it just in time, then someone yells for everyone to hind because Riley and Lucas are coming. So I pull Brandon behind the couch, then I hear the door open and we all yell "SUPRISE!"

Riley looks shocked and then she starts to smile. So I come up and hug her."Happy Birthday Riley!"

"How do you like it," Lucas says as he comes up behind Riley.

"I love it, did you do all of this?" she asks.

"Yeah with a little help from Maya," he says as he smiles at Riley.

"I helped a little my.." then someone comes up behind me and covers my mouth.

"Happy Birthday," Brandon says.


"Maya, shouldn't we leave Riley alone so she can talk to her other guest?" Brandon asks.

"Yes," I say as Brandon pulls me away but not before I see the dirty look a Lucas gives him a dirty look. For awhile I talk to some of the kids that go to my school with Brandon. Then somebody comes up behind and grabs my arm.

"Can I talk to you," he says as I shake his hand off. Brandon gives me the look that say okay.

"Sure," I say as I roll my eyes. He walks me to my room and then he's silent for a minute.

"What," I say.

"Do you like Brandon?" he says not looking at me.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend," I say with confidence.

"He's your WHAT?!" he yells at me.

"My boyfriend, do I need to spell it out for you?"

"Maya, I love you," he says as he steps closer to me.

"No you don't," I say as I step away from him.

"Let me show you just how much I love you," he says and before I even realize it, he smashes his lips on mine. Then he starts to kiss me and I kiss him back. Then I realize what I'm doing and push him off me. Then we hear something fall off his dresser and we both look to the door and I couldn't believe who I saw.

>>>I will update after 5 comments<<<

Who do you think Maya and Lucas saw?

What do you think of Lucas kissing Maya?

Lucas or Brandon?

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