Let me love you always

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"Elena and Elijah are off to their pre-honeymoon to Mexico"-Rebekah said talking on the phone with Caroline-"what are you and Klaus doing this weekend?"

"We have no plans... you?"-Caroline said.

"I have got the invitation to the opening of the "42nd"...you two should come"

"Can do..."-Caroline agreed.


In the Kennett houshold, as Rebekah now called the Kol and Bonnie, things were as usual. Bonnie was preparing herself to go meet her grams.

Kol was reading a medical journal.

"I have booked us a trip for New Year's Eve"-Bonnie informed him as she was about to leave the apartment.

"Oh, really...?"-he was surprised.

"Yes...I checked your schedule out and you have five days off..."

"Where are we going?"-he asked intrigued.

"It's a surprise"-Bonnie said. She blew him a kiss and went.

"Suprises, surprises...probably Mexico, too"-he murmurred and went back to his article he was reading.


Although they lived together already, and it seemed to have worked as clockwork, Elena thought that travelling with someone was also essential factor of compatibility in a relationship.

And she had described the start of her and Elijah's relationship  as some kind of galactic collision.

"It's like the sun and the moon collided!"-she remembered Bonnie saying to her.

"What are you thinking?:-Elijah said as he saw that she was miles away.

They were sitting in the beautiful private terrace overlooking the ocean. Everything was like as if she landed in a fairy tale.

"Nothing really...everything...but mostly about chocolate..."- Elena said.

"Yes...chocolate...I think I should intoduce the chocolate drink spiced up with the chillie "

"Your creative mind is always at work...but we said no work, just play..."- he smiled a little.

"The last six months were just like a northern wind had swept me up..."- Elena then started- "and...huh...I have been bitchy lately...and I don't know why...maybe I just got scared that all this was too good to be true...you and me..."

"You and me..."- he repeated sweetily looking at her like she was a godess that descended.

"You are loving, you always listen to what I have to say... like now...and you get me...in more ways than I can imagine...you didn't make a fuss when I wanted to move back into my place... and ..."

"Elena... darling, I understood that you were not ready...that all had overwhelmed you... and if you are not ready... I respect it...and as you said...it was all so fast...it even surprised me sightly... I definitely wasn't looking for anything particular in my life... nor that I would love again... "

Elena now got up from her comfortable chair and came over to him and without saying anything simply kissed him.

"I love you...so much... and... now... no more talking..." - she whispered.

"No more talking..."- he murmurred kissing her back. Soon they found themselves in the luxurious bedroom. Conversation was overrated, although they loved to discuss nearly anything.

It was clear to them, as well as the stars above, that everything comes at the right time in the right order. Chaos tries to sway people in its ways, but then nature puts things in the right track again.

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