7) A Day Off - Gone Wrong

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(For those of you wondering I have changed the story a bit so that Hank never his son or wife)

3rd POV

Sarah and Hank were both content to sleep until noon rolled around and they both inevitably woke up. But unsurprisingly neither really minded waking up as they had, well rested and cuddled into each other. That is until Sarah freaked herself out by looking at the clock. Then proceeded to fall off of the sofa in a panic to get to the door. Hank watched this mess with an amused smile before coming up behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders and telling Sarah to slow down as he had called her in sick. Sarah relaxed before immediately tensing up again and whispering

"I only have 20 minutes left to take my meds"
"I'll drive you home, where do you live?"
"30 minutes away."
"I'm no mathematician but I think we have a problem."
"I think I can live without my meds for 1 day, but I do want to change my clothes though."
"Hop in the car and I'll take you home and then we can figure out a battle plan. Together?"
"Together!" Sarah confirmed whilst following him out to the car and buckling herself into the passenger seat.

Hank gave her a smile while getting himself in the car. The two spoke of anything and everything on the way to Sarah's place. And both were intrigued about how much they had in common and at the same time were diffrent enough to balance each other out perfectly.
Neither could be predicted that in mere moments the car would be t-boned by a drunk driver.
And both cars flipped in the middle of the junction. And everyone screamed. Sarah's was cut short after she received a blow to the head and was knocked unconscious, Hank's arm was definitely not supposed to bend the way it had and the road sign that had separated Hank from Sarah from each others sight had also been shoved through Hank's side though he hadn't realized it yet. The drunk driver threw up and passed out, but was miraculously unharmed. Or at least he was unharmed until Hank could get his hands on him. But what currently occupied Hank's attention was Sarah's silence. He sent an SOS to the station, knowing that they would track the location and find the crash. As much as he wanted to stay awake for them he found himself slipping into the void of darkness.

Sarah Reese POV

I could feel hands around my neck and then a scarf made out of plastic? No, it was a C-collar. I opened my eyes too see Sylvie Brett looking down at me, I quickly identified my location to be in an ambulance, most likely headed to Chicago Med. I immediately panicked at the thought of my co-workers finding out about my little habit. Sylvie was quick to hold my hand and attempt to soothe me.
"Hank?" I managed weakly ask. I hated sounding weak but Hank was more important right now.
"He is in the ambulance just ahead of us, he's stable and is going to be fine."
That was such a relief to hear. All too quickly I was being wheeled on it the ED that I worked in. I was supposed to be the doctor not the patient.
"Dislocated shoulder and broken wrist with obvious head trauma. BP, heart rate and vitals all look good though." Sylvie told Monique and Doctor Rhodes as they wheeled me into Trauma 3. My shoulder and wrist were quickly set (luckily without the removal of my blouse) and Connor ordered an immediate head CT. So I was quickly whisked away to another floor. About 2 hours later my head had been stitched and wrapped, my cheek had been stitched up, my left arm was in a cast and that in a sling to take the weight off of my shoulder. For the degree of the accident I had come away surprisingly unscathed. Hank however hadn't. And sitting by his bedside I felt a tidal wave of guilt wash over me. He had a stab wound in his liver because I didn't walk home. If I had walked home we wouldn't be concussed and had emergency surgery done. He had been hospitalized because of me. I was so wrapped up in wallowing in guilt that I didn't notice Jay and Erin come in.

Erin Lindsay POV

Jay and I were still upset over the voice recording that Voight had sent us this morning. I had hoped that it wouldn't get worse but I have a feeling that I may have jinxed it. I looked at my beeping phone screen and saw an SOS from Hank.
"Jay track Voight's location I just got an SOS from him!"
The moment we had a location we both sped off to the scene. My jaw dropped when I saw Hank's beloved car upside down and an ambulance taking him away. I decided that since there was nothing we could do at the scene I could at least give the ambulances an escort.
I was horrified at the sight of Sarah and Hank bloodied up and bruised being wheeled into the ED. I felt so very useless. There was nothing that I could do to help them. All we could do was sit in the waiting room. FOR 2 HOURS! Finally Nurse Sexton told us that Sarah and Hank were in ICU Treatment 4. So without another word we shot past her and upstairs in record time to see Sarah, on the verge of tears holding Hank's hand with her own non-injured one. I couldn't take waiting anymore and I rushed forward to wrap her in a hug and pour out how worried I was. I could feel her tense but luckily she relaxed into the hug. A minute later I moved to fuss over Hank. Yes I admit to being the mum friend. Whilst I busied myself to make sure that Voight was comfortable Jay wrapped an arm around Sarah with a less enthusiastic but still sincere relief at her being relatively ok. 
Sarah looked shocked but happy to have us there and I was content with her smile for a moment - before rushing over to sit her down and fuss over her aswell. Whilst I was doing my thing Jay called the station to inform them of the situation then proceeded to remind me that we had a job to do.
After checking and then double checking that Sarah would be ok for 10 minutes we left the room to go back down to the ED to get some answers. Doctor Choi met us on our way to treatment 1 and explained that Erik Walter was out of his mind high and incredibly intoxicated. This only fuelled my rage at the man. And I decided that, just this once, I was going to make a scene. I left the door and curtain wide open and then after handxuffing him to the bed, screamed at him,
"I don't know what you are talking about!"
The idiot somehow has the audacity to deny it. I could see that I had drawn a crowd of doctors and nurses. Good. I wanted to embarrass this idiot as much as possible. 
"You have no proof of that!"
"Yes, yes we do" Jay countered calmly.
" I regret nothing"

This dumbass actually just said that? I saw red

Jay Halstead POV

I lunged to grab Erin by the waist and stop her from attacking this guy. As much as I wanted to let her beat the shit out of him I still had a duty. It took a bit of effort and Will's help but we did get her out the door and I shut it firmly behind me. Erin stormed back upstairs in a huff and I led the rest of the squad who had just arrived up to see Hank. Busy day and it wasn't even 3:00 yet. I hope I didn't jinx it just by thinking of that.

Good chapter or no? Vote if you liked it and leave me a comment on what I can improve.
See you later, love Lizzi

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