13) Days Are Getting Brighter

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3rd POV

It had been a few days since Sarah had been shot and she was now allowed to be discharged. Jay and Erin had visited her a lot over the last few days and now they were all piled into one car and were on their way home. Jay had originally tried to nick the drivers keys but Hank had caught him and taken the keys for himself. Jay had his own thoughts on that, "why will nobody ever let me drive?"
But he was quickly bundled into the back seat after the threat of walking home. Sarah was a touch nervous for them to see where she lived but at the same time she was learning to trust them. All to soon they were pulling up into the car park at her block of flats. Erin and Hank seemed to know the crime rate if the area and Jay's hand was already on his gun. That's not what Sarah was worried about though. She was worried about what they would think of her home. Eventually the car pulled up into the car park of the building, whelp no time to turn back now. Erin and Hank came rushing over to her car door to help,
"Guys I was shot in the shoulder not the legs. I am fine, relax."
They all piled into the elevator and rode up to the 3rd floor.

Sarah Reese POV

We reached the 3rd floor and it was clear that nobody was impressed with the state of the hallway. Good God if this is what they thought of the corridor then what would they think of where I lived? We reached the twelfth door and my hands were trembling as I got out my keys.
Jay asked me what was wrong but all I could reply with was a quiet plea for them to not freak out. With that I unlocked and opened the door  and we all slowly walked into the flat. It was horrible to have to present my flat like this to my best friends but props to them they at least tried to down play their disgust. 
"Reese your staying with me." That was an order for all intents and purposes but when I tried to open my mouth to protest Lindsay cut in saying,
"Sarah there is no way in hell you are stating here. That wound is going to get infected"
Still I tried to protest but Jay also backed them up saying,
"Sarah you can't honestly think that this is ok. You are a doctor you should know that this is not a good environment to heal, Heck this environment is practically hostile to life."
In hindsight I probably shouldn't have said what I said next,
"I've had bullet injuries here before and they have all healed fine."
The moment the words left my mouth I wish I hadn't said them. Shock tore across their faces and they looked horrified. 
"You've been shot here before?"
"I, well-"
"Answer the question Sarah."
"This is a hotspot for gang rivalry's and turf wars."
"Ok we will deal with that later for now pack a bag you are staying with me."
"Really, are you sure?"
"Erin go make her pack a bag."

Erin and I continued down the hall to my room that looked worse. She didn't seem to care and grabbed my suitcase out from under my bed to pack my stuff. We there in everything I would need and within 5 minutes I was packed up and ready to go. We walked out to see Jay raiding my liquor cabinet and Hank still staring in disbelief. We were all quickly hurried out the door when Erin and I made an appearance. On the way out one of the neighbourhood gangs was walking through the hall.

3rd POV

They stare at Hank before greeting him nervously.
"Jay get Sarah to the car."
"What? What do I have to go to the car?"
"Best not to argue. Come on Sarah."
Sarah was ushered out to the car leaving the gang, Hank and Erin alone in the hallway.
"Hank my buddy! What are you doing around these parts?"
"The curly haired girl is Sarah."
"She lives here and has gotten shot during your turf wars and business exchanges."
The gang paled at that but let Voight continue.
"She is very important to me so you must understand that you are all very lucky to still be breathing. If she gets hurt during one of your exchanges again that is going to change understood? Now out of the way."
The group nodded frantically and assured him that Sarah would not get hurt again.
With that Hank and Erin walked to the car to see Jay locked out. Jay was trying to convince Sarah to unlock the car whilst Sarah, despite having an arm in a sling and a bullet hole in her shoulder was in the drivers seat of the car. Sarah unlocked the door to allow Erin and Voight in.

Hank Voight POV

I walked to the car to see Jay sbeing childish and Sarah in the drivers seat? She unlocked the car to allow myself and Erin in the car. Whilst Erin slid comfortably into the backseat I went around to the drivers side and opened the door for Sarah to get out. She had the cheek to say,
"Keys please."
Yeah no way I'm handing her my keys. She has a bullet hole in one arm and the other still hasn't healed from the last accident.
"But why? I can just drive with the arm that didn't get shot."
"The other arm still hasn't healed from when I crashed the car."
"You didn't crash the car Hank. We were crashed into by a guy who is now behind bars for what he did."
"You still ain't driving."
"But I can."
Hank didn't want to argue with Sarah so a smirk came across his face when he decided to tickle her loose from his seat. Lo and behold it worked. Sarah walked round the car into the passengers seat that Jay had graciously left for her, *cough*Erin made him*cough*.
So the 4 were off to Hank's house. Erin and Jay conversed quietly in the backseat, Hank kept one eye on the road and the other eye on Sarah. Sarah didn't notice as she had all eyes on the road in fear of another accident. Luckily they all made it to Hank's house in one piece. Hank put Sarah's suitcase in the spare room whilst Sarah made everyone tea and coffee. Within 10 minutes everyone collapsed in the living room completly shattered. Sarah sat on the sofa with Hank. Erin sat in an armchair and Jay sat on the floor with his back against the sofa. The idea was to watch a movie bit within 10 minutes Sarah had fallen asleep against Hank and Erin passed out in the armchair. So Jay stood up and gathered Erin into his arms to take her home. After jay left and shut the door behind him Hank shifted Sarah to a comfortable position that would not agitate any of her injuries. Soon enough Hank wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep too.

I'm back. Sorry this book got lost in my sea of drafts despite being my first and most read book. Anyhow I will be updating this one more. I would like to encourage you to look at my other One Chicago book. That one has been completed and even has a sequel. Vote if you liked it, leave a comment and consider following me.
See you later, love Lizzi

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