3) What Happens Now?

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Sarah Reese POV

I awoke drowsy and exhausted. I don't even remember going to bed. I think that I should call in sick to get some sleep, but I know that I won't sleep. I will not deny my patients care because my body is to weak. I don't want to roll out of my cosy bed burrito but I have to. After hitting the snooze button once more I turn over intent on getting out of bed, only to see a note that certainly wasn't there the night before.

3rd POV

Sarah's heart sank and fear hit her like a truck as she gently reached out from under her covers to retrieve the note.

Sarah, when you wake up take it easy and call me once you are up. We need to talk.
(phone number)

It was over, she was screwed. Nothing she could do now she got caught. Despite holding the evidence that last right was real Sarah shot out of bed to go see the mirror propped up against the wall in the hallway.  With blood, her blood on it. Sarah let out a weak cry, they had seen everything. Everything!

Sarah POV

They had seen everything! How did they even know what was happening? Did other people know? So many thoughts raced through my head too quickly to make sense of most of them. All I truly knew is that I was late for work. That would be at least 2 lectures and another doctor yelling at me. There was no point trying to change what happened. But what I can do is ignore it. Yep! That's it. I'll just avoid them entirely. It's not like we work together or see each other much at all.
Ok, I've got a battle plan. Now get to work!

Hank Voight POV

It was 9am and still no call from Sarah. She should defiantly be up by now, what's taking so long?
"Hey Voight, has Sarah called yet?" Erin asked me the moment she walked into the station with Jay following close behind.
"No, she hasn't called. I don't think she's up yet." Even though I did think that she must be up by now.
"We saw her in her car headed towards the hospital on the way here." Erin said in a quieter voice.
All I could say back was "Oh" because she was supposed to call when she woke up.
"Do you think that maybe she didn't see the note?"
"Nah I placed it on top of her alarm clock, she saw it."
By this point Jay was really confused and a tad ticked off that he didn't know what was going on.
"Ok what the f@$k is happening right now? Erin comes home crying? You come home crying - which I didn't think was possible. Now there is a note and a phone call that didn't happen? What? Look, Sarah is my friend too and if she is hurt I want to help." Jay frustratedly responded.
I knew that telling him was a bad idea. But somehow the words no didn't come out of my mouth and I was instead asking Erin to take him aside and tell him, but swear him to secrecy.


I was gobsmacked. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. Sarah? Innocent, happy, sweet Sarah? How could she be in that much pain and have nobody notice? I didn't notice- granted I don't spend a whole lot of time with her despite saying that I'm her friend. Did I make the situation worse? No, I can't say that until we know everything.
On the lighter side Hank is capable of having a crush. But that is the only postive side I see.
"So should we go check on her at much break then? Where do we go from here?" I asked them.

3rd POV

It was decided that Hank would go check on her at lunch break as to not overwhelm her with too many people at once.  It was by no means the best plan but it was something to work with.
All we could do in the meantime was try to distract ourselves.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After seemingly hours lunch finally rolled around. And Hank all but leapt out of his seat and practically dove into the car and sped off to the hospital.
It was a rare quiet day when Voight walked in and so it was pretty easy to grab the attention of the charge nurse, Maggie.
"Hank? What are you doing here? Oh please tell me we aren't having a flood of people coming I don't think we can take it." Maggie hurried out with a worried look.
"No Maggie, no disaster underway. I'm actually here to pick up Sarah we are grabbing lunch."
Maggie looked at Hank as though he had grown a second head right there in front of her. Like the concept of Reese having lunch with anyone were utterly absurd.
"Ha! And here I thought Reese didn't have any friends and she scored a date with you. I'll page her."
"Thanks Maggie." Hank managed to reply without demanding to know what she meant by no friends. Maggie knows she has no friends and somehow she laughs at that? Something was very wrong.

Sarah POV

I was about to take my lunch break when my pager buzzed so I looked at it thinking that a patient needed me, because no doctor in this hospital needs me. But i was surprised to see Maggie requesting my presence in the ED. But she didn't give me a patient room to my surprise.
Not a big deal, I sauntered down to the ED making sure to keep myself in the background and out of everybody's way.
Within 2 minutes I'm in the ED and i stopped dead in my tracks. My muscles froze so that I couldn't turn tail and run.
I did jump as he spoke,
"Hey Sarah, ready for lunch?"
I completly panicked and immediately started begging for the ground to swallow me whole. I wont deny that for a while I've wanted the chance to get closer to Voight. But there is no way on Gods green earth someone like him would want me. There is no way anyone could ever want me. Dammit he is still waiting on an answer, SAY SOMETHING!
"Oh, I'm really sorry but I'm swamped with patients right now. Can we get a rain check on lunch?"
I'm thoroughly surprised that I made it through that entire sentance without choking. But my moment of self- praise was short-lived
"Oh go on Sarah! I'll get someone else out. You have to have a mandatory break. I'll see you in 1 hour go have lunch with Hank!"
And I was back to wishing that the ground would swallow me up.
"Sure," I managed to force out, "let me just grab my jacket and I'll be back with you in a moment."
Before immediately making a beeline for the doctors lounge and banging my head against my locker twice. There was nothing I could do now. No more cards to play, nothing. I downed my pills dry and grabbed my favourite jacket before shakily walking out and taking Hanks outstretched hand and proceeding to exit the ED.
I was trying- and failing- to keep my shaking under control but it was especially hard. Most of me was trying to fight down an anxiety attack whilst wondering where he is taking me and what's going to happen. But of course there was that stupid part of me that shrieked like a schoolgirl the moment his hand touched mine. That part of me was the only reason my legs where still moving with him as every other fibre of my being is screaming at me to jump into the road.
"Where exactly are we going?" I managed to force out past the lump in my throat shakily. Dammit I don't want to seem weak.
"Lunch," he simply replied as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Cool it there Sarah, you're shaking like a kid on a sugar high." He continued. I really don't understand how he can be so calm.
"I'm not trying to!" I spoke out sharply before immediately backpeddling and rushing out many apologies.
Yet he didn't say anything about that and instead said that I was meant to call him. Despite knowing that he could spot a lie from 10 kilometres away I still chose to say I wasn't meant to call anybody.
"Reese I left the note on your alarm clock I know you read it."
"Yes I did read it, b-but a piece of paper does not order me around."

WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT! What was i thinking? Of all the things i could've said!

Just before I was postive that I was about to go insane we reached a small hole in the wall cafe. Luckily we were the only patrons inside because I knew the conversation was about to take a turn. Voight and I both ordered a large coffee so I quickly detached my hand from his to grab a tenner from my pocket but Hank had already paid.
I stuttered out a quick thank you. I really wish that I would quit stuttering. We received our coffees and Hank lead me to a quiet table in the far corner. I felt a bit like a lamb going to the slaughter. We slid into the seats and I prepared myself to be screamed at but all he said was that-

"We need to talk"

See you later, love Lizzi

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