10) Progress For Nothing

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Just as he spoke he pulled out his phone to show me a voice recording of my confession to Hank! I didn't think that it was still possible for my heart to break but yet, it did. I snatched the phone off of Will and sent the recording to myself. I was ready to make it rain fire and brimstone.
"Sarah whats wrong?" only then did I realise that I was crying. 
"Will you shouldn't know this. I only told Hank which means that when I placed my trust in him and told him what had happened to me he recorded it and sent it to Jay and god knows who else! So I needn't tell you that if you tell anyone of this I will skin you."
"I'm sorry Sarah I didn't know. I promise not to tell anyone, I'll delete the recording. Even so what I said still stands. I'm sorry for being mean to you I had no idea but I'm happy to be here for you now."
"Thank you Will, that means a lot to me.
I'm still going to go kill your brother and Hank. See you tomorrow!"
My conversation with Will may have calmed me a bit but the moment I was left to my own thoughts again the urge to smite them returned ten fold. How could they do this to me? What on earth possessed them to think that it was in anyway a good idea at all? I felt hurt and betrayed.
I pulled up at the station and slammed the car door behind me. I was pretty sure the ground would split where I walked from sheer rage alone. I stormed into  the building and Trudy greeted me. I cut her off and demanded to know where Hank was. Apparently he was in his office and as I walked up the stairs to where his office was Jay greeted me.
"I'll deal with you after I kill Voight!" I hissed at him in front of everybody. Lindsay immediatly got up and asked "Whoa, Sarah what's wrong. What happened?"
"What happened? What happened? Does a certain voice recording not ring a bell with you?"
When she went pale I knew that she knew too. At that same moment Hank poked his head round the door and asked what was going on. I walked into his office with tears in my eyes and just asked,
"What am I even supposed to say to you Voight? How could you record something so sensitive and just share it around as you pleased? I mean really, what were you thinking? Where you even thinking?"
"Sarah, they needed to know."
"No, no they didn't. But if I felt like they did I could have told them myself. How many people know Voight?"
"Just me, you, Jay and Erin I promise!"
"And Will, Jay sent it to his brother and god knows who Erin sent it too! Fuck you Hank."
I turned around and left his office, stopping briefly to yell at Jay for sending the recording to his brother. And as I left the 3 of them knew just how hurt I was. I went home and I just couldn't take it I had to cut. I just had too. There goes a whole week of being clean. I should've listened to my gut, you can't trust anyone. I went to sleep on my sofa in my work clothes and thanked every star in the sky that I didn't have a shift tomorrow. I just sat crying and barely listening to some trash TV as I just let my feelings consume me. I don't know what was going to happen next but I didn't much care.

Sorry really short chapter that I just needed to get out today. Comment any suggestions and vote if you liked it.
See you later, love Lizzi

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