8) The "Best" Wake-Up Call

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3rd POV

Sarah Reese had not left Hank Voight's bedside for 2 days. Hank had not woken up for 2 days. You may see the correlation. Erin was becoming increasingly worried for her friend who was forfeiting self care in exchange for waiting by his bedside for him to wake. Erin was well aware that shared trauma can bring people together but the extent that Sarah had gone to in order to stay with him was worrying.
While it was an honour to run the district whilst Hank was out Erin just wanted him to wake up. Just as she was praying for this very thing an odd spluttering and coughing drew her attention to the bed where Hank was waking up! Sarah all but leapt from her seat in order to remove the tube from his throat. Whilst Erin called for Ethan Choi, the doctor who had been looking after Voight.

"Well Sarge your test results all look good so I'd like to keep you in overnight for observation then you can go home. You should be good to work by next week so just be a bit patient on that."
"And you're sure I can't go back to work any sooner?"
"You just had surgery Voight. I'm sorry but you cannot go back to work any sooner,(pager beeps) well I have to go check on another patient. I'll deliver your discharge papers tomorrow. Maybe walk home next time ok Reese?"

Ethan said giving her a pointed look.
And in that moment the atmosphere became heavy, Doris came running over the moment she smelt tension, All of Sarah's guilt came roaring back with vengeance, Hank glared holes into Ethan's head, Maggie and Goodwin  rushed over to see what Doris was so interested in, Jay walked up behind Ethan just as he spoke, Will ran over to see what had pissed off his brother, Ethan felt very cornered and Lindsay stood up ready to end his whole career.

"Excuse me?" Erin said with a dangerous edge to her voice.
"What did you just say to her?"

It was at this moment he knew - He fucked up.
"What do you mean?" Was not the best thing that Ethan could have said in that moment.
"I mean that absolutely none of this was Sarah's fault and if you ever insinuate as such ever again, then we are going to have a problem and the solution to said problem will not be particularly pretty for you. Do I make myself crystal clear?"
"Lindsay I - i just made a joke, I didn't mean anything by It"  

Erin was in full momma bear protective mode and was angry. Sarah on the Other hand was becoming increasingly worried as the audience grew and Erins rage also seemed to grow.    
"Really? Cause I don't know about you but I'm not seeing anyone who's laughing do you?" 
Sarah finally decided to speak up
"Lindsay please leave him be!"

Ethan finally decided to do the smart thing and run away the moment Erins back turned. However just because Ethan left, the audience that had accumulated didn't disperse and were surprised at the proceeding piece of dialogue. Hank looked up at Sarah and gently asked
"Are you sure he didn't mean anything by It?"
"Are you kidding? Of course he meant something by it, I simply don't like conflict."
This did little, if anything to diffuse the ticking timebomb that was Erin Lindsay.
"Yeah well if he comes back to make a comment like that I'll castrate him!"

It was at this point that said audience decided to take their leave. The last they heard of the conversation as they departed were Sarah's objections on castratering Dr Choi. Luckily Doris was nice enough to warn Ethan about it before she ran off to tell absolutely everyone and anyone about what had just gone down. 
"Well that's definitely not the wake up call that I had anticipated. Can't go back to work until next week bull"
"Oh I'm sure you'll survive."
With the arguement that had occurred only moments before forgotten the quartet fell into comfortable conversation and banter. Despite the fact that she still had a long way to go Sarah was in that moment, happy.

Hope that was up to the standards of the other chapters. Apologies for my temporary writers block but I'm back into the swing if things now. Comment any improvements that can be made, be sure to vote if you liked it.
See you later, love Lizzi

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