18)The Ward

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12 hours had gone by and Sarah was still unresponsive to any sort of therapy that Dr Charles tried to give her and though Goodwin had stopped by it wasn't a pretty scene.
"Hello Doctor Reese. I just thought I would stop by and see how you were doing after everything that has happened."
"I know you think you shouldn't be here but you do need to be here."
"Sarah my goal was to create a safe environment where doctors could work at their optimum because they felt welcome here. And unfortunately I let you slip through the cracks. So if you ever want to admit what Hank did to you than we can call the police and have him out of your life- you are safe here."
"You really don't know what it is you have done do you?"
"You idiots think you are helping by sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong when all you have really done is stick a tortoise in the middle of the ocean."
"Now Sarah I know you are upset by being here but using that sort of language isn't going to get you very."
"Really? My vocabulary is what you are concerned with? How dare you. How dare you have the audacity to barge in here and throw around accusations about the man who saved me! I am anorexic that is why I bruise so easily. I have scars from past traumas that you will never understand, Hank saved me from myself. How dare you say here hurts me when I get bullied by your own workforce, treated as lesser than. I would have killed myself long ago if he hadn't came along and showed me that there are reasons to keep fighting- even though I got tired of fighting. Hank Voight would never lay a finger on me and should you dare insinuate otherwise I will come after you, the hospital and your licence. My 12 hours are up and any visitors are to be allowed in, get out."
Goodwin was clever enough to leave the room immediately. As she left an Dr Charles came in and asked if Sarah would be ok for visitors. Without looking at him and instead choosing to gaze out the window she gave an affirmative response he came back with some people but she did not look up.
"Alright Reese I have brought your visitors you are free to ask any of them to leave at anytime and I will escort them out. I'll be sitting in a chair over there should you need me."
With that Sarah looked up to see: Manning, both Halsteads, Lindsay, Hank, Maggie, Sexton, Choi and Rhodes came trampling in. Immediately Sarah instructed Dr Charles to escort Dr Manning, Dr Choi, Dr Rhodes and Nurse Sexton out. Said individuals opposed this decision but there was nowt they could do about it. Sarah was left alone with her family and for the first time since she had been locked away she smiled. The special kind of smile that was only reserved for the people she loved. Everyone wrapped her in their arms and didn't want to let go.
"Hey girl any word on when you will be set free?"
"Nah, I still have to go the full 72 hours even though it is unnecessary."
"Hate to interrupt but it is completely necessary for your well being sarah. Myself and miss goodwin are only helping you."
"Excuse me Dr Charles but this is a family discussion so it is your commentary that is unnecessary." Hank who had yet to take his arm off Sarah's waist spoke up.
"I think the only commentary that you need to be giving is an explanation that I can pass onto our attorney. Sarah passed out at work I don't see how that put her on a pysch hold?"
"Oh, Dr Charles, Miss Goodwin, Dr Choi and Dr Charles think you are abusing me. Even though you were the one who saved me. Wait you got an attorney? So I'm getting out of here?"
"What?! But how could they even think that? Hank loves you more than anyone."
"I've got a few bruises and Hank has a reputation so they filled in the blanks with some random BS and jumped to the wrong conclusion from that."
"Well that's lovely innit!"
"Well that bullshit is going straight to our attorney."
"Sounds like I'll be out of here. I suggest looking for a new psych resident Dr Charles."
"Sarah, we can talk about this. You don't have to be forced to say anything and nor do you have to leave-"
"No it is you who must leave. As I now am inpatient that puts me under the care of the patient protection act and thus I have the right to demand a different doctor and that is what I am doing. Please leave or Dr Halstead and the police will have you escorted out."
At their cue Jay, Will, Erin and Hank all stood up looking menacing. That was all it took for Dr Charles to take a hint and leave the room with his metaphorical tail between his legs. The 5 of them talked an laughed some more before a nervous medical student came to them and stuttered that visiting hours were over. They reluctantly left Sarah alone with only a message to pass onto Noah Sexton. Sarah was left alone in the cold ward room for the next 15 hours until her next visitors. Only 50 hours left of her imprisonment.

I probably won't be updating for about a week on account of Christmas and Dydd San Steffan. I hope everyone has a wonderful winter holiday no matter your family/country practices for this time of year.
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See you later, love Lizzi

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