15) Suspicions

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*Will has not gotten in trouble with that gang yet nor is he yet dating dr manning.

I walked into the ED and just knew something was wrong. I don't know if I had seen something in the corner of my eye or my intuition sharpened by years of danger told me that something was amiss. My eyes danced around the ED and lobby briefly but I saw no reason for discomfort. Still a bit nervous I walked into the doctors lounge to stash my stuff. I grabbed some tape to stick 2 pictures into my locker. I already had one in there of my little brother taken only a few days before his tragic death. I stuck in one of myself, Hank, Erin, Jay and Will at the Ice rink. The second was just me and Hank, simple and sweet. Suddenly the source of my unease walked into the lounge. Connor had walked in and was staring at my pictures.
"Who's that?"
"That is my little brother when he was just 2."
"And this one is just you and Voight, are you two like a thing?"
"Yes. What are you doing Connor?"
"Trying to start a conversation. Look Sarah I am sorry about barging in last night. I wasn't mad at you just ansty because Robin is locked up. I'm sorry."
"How did you know where to find me?"
"Maggie told me you were staying with Hank until you recovered."
"It's alright. We will get Robin out I promise. Whilst I am her doctor I wasn't the one who admitted her so my hands are tied, but I am trying."
"Thank you Sarah."
"Well lets get going. You have a girlfriend to visit and I have Dr Charles to argue with."
I left the room and didn't notice the suspicious look that Connor threw over his shoulder at me. 
Argue was the right choice of words, I wanted to scream my head off. Dr Manning was still treating me like a nurse/Medical student she wanted me to do her charts and send orders to the labs. And as always I was fighting to get Dr Charles to even hear me. I may never understand why he took me on this residency if he hates every choice I make and ignores me entirely. Doris handed me a chart and said to go check on Dr Halstead's patient in 6. Again a nurse asking me to do her job! I got to 6 but it was Dr Halstead sitting on the bed and the patient was standing in the doorway. 
"Hey Doctor Halstead we all ok in here?"
"Yeah everything is fine Sarah."
I definitely knew something wasn't right when Will didn't even raise his eyes to meet mine. He kept his eyes fixated on the patient.
"Mind if I sit in?"
"Sorry Sarah it is a sensitive case I'm working with, see you in a bit."
"Ok. Call if you need anything."
I walked away slowly but made sure to tell Maggie to keep an eye and ear on 6. Something is not right in Chicago Gaffney Medical Centre today. Despite this I was stupid enough to go about my day as normal, Got yelled at by patients, doctors, nurses and even a few med students alike. Stayed out of the way and just tried to get through the day. I had just walked into the ED to find Doctor Charles when a tin rolled over next to my foot and I accidently took a big inhale of the substance. I knew immediately what was going on when Will screamed,
"Toxic spill, code orange. Evacuate the ED now!" I was already at the phone yelling down the line,
"Toxic exposure in the ED! I repeat toxic exposure in the ED! Get the hospital on bypass right now and trigger the internal disaster protocol right now! Code orange get your patients out of here!"
My voice was raspier than Hanks but I didn't have time for that right now everyone needed to get out. Will had gotten the culprit out if there whilst I assisted 2 old ladies out.
I was chocking but at least everyone was free of the ED. Maggie rushed over the moment she saw me all red faced and trying to use my arm that was in the sling.
"Reese you need to take a seat. I'll get you some oxygen."
"No, no time. I'm fine. But right now we have more ambulances than patients we need to assess damage and triage to get the sickest ones out with the first wave. Yeah take him straight to the burn centre. Ok Sylvie your good to go!" I said knocking twice on the ambo. Maggie looked worried but left to do as I had told her. I got detoxed before treating more patients. We got red patients out but were left with no more ambulances. I didn't get through very many more patients before Hank and Erin came running over.
"Sarah are you ok? We were so worried."
"And I'm worried about my patients. When are we getting the ED back? Please tell me you have and ID on the toxin and on that idiot!" Miss Goodwin came over to hear what Erin had to say.
"Jacob Patrick is an engineer at a textiles factory, he had access to numerous toxins."
"So this could be anything? We have 12 hospital staff and patients in respiratory distress and Will is knocking on deaths door because he tried to save me. And now we don't even know what we are treating them for because, because what some guy came here hoping to murder people?"
"Sarah calm  down. Panicking isn't going to help anyo-"
"NO!" was all we heard from Jay. Everyone rushed over to see him ripping Dr Choi a new one whilst Will's stats were slowly but steadily dropping. My blood turned icy cold and I looked to Ethan for an explanation.
"Both Will and Mr Patrick are in bronchospasm and in need of racemic epi. But we only have 1 dose left-" Jay cut him off,
"Which we should obviously give to Will."
Goodwin could sense an argument from a mile off and saw this one escalating, 
"Hang on, hang on. Who is doing worse?" 
"That is the problem. Mr Patrick is." I could feel my blood run even colder and a chill ran up my spine.
"Miss Goodwin you aren't actually thinking of giving it to Mr Patrick? He came here on a suicide mission, he doesn't want to live! He just wanted to take a couple dozen strangers down with him!"
"I'm sorry doctor Reese but dr Choi will be following procedure and administering it to Mr Patrick." I couldn't believe this Will is dying and she wouldn't fight for him? Almost the moment Mr Patrick was injected Will's monitor started beeping rapidly. Everything Will had done for me came flooding back to me and I was reminded about how much the Halstead duo had become my brothers. If I couldn't save him then what good was I? My mind was made up and before I knew it I had ducked under Hank's arm and raced into the ED. I heard shouts of protest at my actions but I didn't care. I dodged squad and got some epi for Will. I sprinted out of there to give the medication to Ethan. 
"That was incredibly stupid Sarah. Go get detoxed." Choi was clearly angry at my rash actions but gave Will the meds regardless whilst Hank lead me off to the shower. I could barely hear him ripping a strip off me. All I could hear was my own pounding heart. Once I was clean Hank took my hand and lead me back to Will with orders to stay put and rest. Even though most of my focus was on Will I didn't miss Connor examining my body just a little too closely and the look he gave Hank earlier whilst he was telling me off. I'm highly suspicious of Rhodes. I know something is going on with him but I can't put my finger on it.

~~~Time Skip To After Disaster~~~

"Miss Goodwin do you have a moment?"
"Dr Rhodes? Sit down, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
"What exactly is the action to be taken if I suspect abuse of a colleague?"
"My first response would be going to the police."
"That's not an option."
"Would you care to elaborate Dr Rhodes?"
"We can't go to the police because the chief of police is abusing his girlfriend Sarah."
"Connor that's impossible I saw them today they were lovely."
"Or that could just be what Hank wants you to think. Would you let a stranger sleep and stay in your house if you were not there?"
"No of course not."
"Well Maggie is staying at Sarah's place while Sarah is sleeping at Hank's. That doesn't strike you as odd? Next when I went over to see Sarah the other night I accidently scared her but her muscle memory was to fall to the ground, curl into a fetal position and protect her neck and head. She has raw and red skin. That's not normal. He was yelling at her when nobody was looking today. And that shower to detox made her white shirt see through-ish. There was nothing to her, she was just skin and bone. She had bruises decorating her. I really think Hank is hurting her. What do we do?"
"Well we clearly can't call the police. We need Sarah's co-operation first, like many abuse victims she may have Stockholm syndrome or be to scared to tell people what is going on. She has no friends it should be easy to get into her inner circle and get her to work with us from there." 
"So we just have to wait around until she accepts us as friends before we can save her?"
"I understand that this is distasteful for both of us but we have to have patience to have the best shot at saving her. I'll tell Dr Charles but other than that let's keep this between us- we don't want her finding out."
"Or god forbid Voight find out."
So as Sarah lay nestled in Hank's arms, warm and happy that night 3 people were worried that Hank had his hands on her in a very different way. There was no way that any of this was going to end well for anyone.

Whelp I've just ruined Sarah's life even more. A moment of silence for the last of Sarah's sanity please. At least this shows that they do care about Sarah even just a little. 
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See you later, love Lizzi

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