12) 1 Step Forward

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A/N: I really feel like Will would really understand the value of a firm hand when dealing with friends who simply won't listen otherwise. I'm a strong believer that a good friend will drag someone kicking and screaming to good health. Will gives me those vibes.

Maggie POV

Sarah was still in bed when a knock sounded at the door. When there was no sound of disturbance coming from her room I went to open the door. I was quite surprised when Will was on the other side with a bag. He looked more surprised to see me than I was to see him. 
"Maggie what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here Halstead?"
"Well I don't start work until midday so I thought I would get Sarah out of bed and do anything."
"Wait she is awake?"
"Oh most definitely, she usually wakes at sunrise."
With that Will walked into the apartment and went to knock at Sarah's door. He gave her a minute before opening the door and going in. I was stunned at the no nonsense attitude Will showed as he hoisted Sarah over his shoulder and placed her down on the kitchen countertop despite her protests. Now that I saw Sarah in her nightwear I saw the extent of her physical problem. She was a bag of bones with scars across her arms and thighs. She had bruises and looked exhausted.  Merlin jumped onto the counter and crawled into Sarah's lap and waved her tail in Will's face. 
"Someone is looking for food I think. You know where the food is Sarah."
I thought that it was ridiculous that Will had to tell Sarah to feed her cat but my perspective flipped when Sarah gave a weak but determined smile and jumped off of the countertop and fed Merlin. She looked slightly happier after it and Will looked proud. 
"Well I'm going to get dressed." I announced and left the room but hung back to hear what they had to say.
"Sarah what is Maggie doing here?"
"She needed a place to stay for a few days so I said she was welcome to stay here."
"Is she welcome though?"
"Of course she isn't welcome here. But you know that I can't turn someone away who needs a place to stay."
With that I actually left to get changed. I didn't know that she hated me that much. I was very surprised at the sibling dynamic that the 2 had going on. Sarah clearly had some serious issues and relied very much on Will to support her when I came out Will was trying to convince a stubborn Sarah to eat some breakfast. So I said goodbye to Merlin before waiting to say goodbye to Will and Sarah. I won't lie it was a bit funny to see the 2 arguing. The cause for it wasn't funny but the actual quarrel was entertaining enough. My eyes bounced back and forth like a tennis ball before Will pulled out a trump card by saying,
"Either you eat the muesli or I cook breakfast!"
"I'll take the muesli thanks."
Apparently Will can't cook worth rats. So I bid them both goodbye and left for work. There was a lot to do and the ED wasn't going to run itself.

~~~Time Skip~~~

It was midday when Will came striding through the doors in his usual confident manner. He looked completely unfazed despite having seen the crime scene that was Reese's flat. I was about to corner him and demand answers but he surprised me by pulling me into the doctors lounge instead. I opened my mouth to say something but Will surprised me again by his change in tone,
"I don't care what you saw there Maggie. I don't care how you feel about it or how it does or doesn't change your views. We are finally getting Sarah to not fight me on helping her and I swear on my licence that if you ruin that my telling anyone I will kick your ass to Kentucky."
"Calm yourself Will. I don't plan on telling anyone. I do want some sort of explanation though, I understand that you won't be able to tell me everything but I would like something to go on here."
"I'm sorry but I will have to be really vague. Sarah has been through a lot in her life and she was very close to the edge. Me, Hank, Erin and Jay all know about it. What you saw in her flat? Yeah, that's a high point for her. She needs help and the way everyone treats her at work doesn't help but she has let 4 people in. She is at the best she has been in a long time."
"Ok. That enough to go on I guess. I'll not breathe a word to anyone- I promise."
"Thank you Maggie, really thank you."
With that we both left the lounge to go save some lives.

3rd POV

It was a few hours later when Sarah strolled into the ED looking completely fine. Her skin held a healthy glow and the bags under her eyes weren't visible, everything was hidden perfectly. So perfectly it was scary to see now that Maggie knew the ugly that was underneath. She and Will both knew that it was about to get uglier as the ED doors opened once again and this time Hank Voight walked in followed by another man.
Will and Maggie both ignored the man and rushed over to Sarah and Hank. Several things proceeded to happen at once. There was a lot of shouting, Phil the security guard went down, 2 gunshots, Hank whipped out his gun and Sarah was grabbed and a gun was held to her head.

Hank POV

It was enough. I had given Sarah about a week of space but things didn't look like things were going to get any better so I decided to corner her at work. I'm glad I did. If I hadn't I would be locked out of the ED when some crazy guy decided to take everyone in the ED hostage, so now I had my gun aimed at this David person who had Sarah in his arms with a gun at her head. I slowly knelt down and slid the gun over to him and then held my arm out for Sarah. He roughly shoved her towards me and turned back to whoever he had some quarrel with. But all I could care about was the girl clinging to me. I wrapped my arms around Sarah and held her as close to me as I could. Sarah buried her head in my chest and trembled when the gunman looked over at us again, demanding that Maggie get the keys and lock the doors. 
Sarah was ripped out of my arms and held hostage again when Will and Maggie weren't being fast enough to cover the windows.
I wasn't going to get Sarah back until a few minutes that felt like hours later when Sharon walked in with a box full of specified supplies. With that Sarah was pushed back to me in favour of grabbing the supplies. I caught her and held her tightly again. Sarah half-buried her head into my chest and tightly held onto my hand as we both watched the scene unfold.

~~~Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy~~~

The baby was born and both mum and child were alive. It was truly a miracle, until something had to wreck it. Said thing being Sarah quietly picking up the baby and slowly stepping back.
"You'll change your mind," David said to Lily, "when you do call my mum. She'll tell you how to get in contact with me and the baby."
David turned around to find the crib empty. He looked up to she Sarah cradling the child and looking him dead in the eyes.
"What are you doing? Give me my son!"
"I can't do that David, you know that."
"Hand him over - now."
"I'm not giving you the baby."
"Well I'm not leaving here without my son."
"You don't have that choice."
"No no no. YOU don't have a choice. I will kill everyone in this hospital before I leave him."
"Then you'll have to start with me."
My eyes widened I didn't want Sarah hurt much less dead!
"Give me my SO-"
David was cut off my a bullet through this head. But that wasn't the only scream that rang out. Sarah had been shot in the shoulder with the bullet that accidently fired from David's gun when he was shot. 

3rd POV

Hank ran forwards to catch Sarah and the child as she doubled over in pain. Will and to Hank's surprise Maggie rushed over to Sarah. Will took the child and handed him off to Dr Manning whilst Voight scooped up Sarah and the 4 of them raced over to Bagdad. I gently put Sarah down and Will gave her a sedative that knocked her out cold.
"You didn't have to knock her out. You could have just administed a local anaesthetic."
"Trust me I couldn't. In order to heal Sarah I need her unconscious so she can't fight me on it."
That made sense to all of them - though they weren't happy about it.

A little while later the bullet had been removed and her shoulder stitched so Maggie and Will had left Hank to watch Sarah whilst they go clean up the mess that was the ED.
A bit more later and Sarah started coming around. She looked tired but at least happy to see Hank. Hank on the other hand was a diffrent matter. He looked at her. But he didn't see the mess she was. He didn't see the mental trauma she had. He didn't see a bag of bones with some scars. He saw an angel. Her hair spread around the pillow like a halo and her smile could outshine 1000 suns. Hank looked into Sarah's eyes and fell in love with her all over again.
For as tired as Sarah looked she was not immune to the virus we call love. She looked up at Hank. The man who had waited by her bedside and held her whilst she was scared. She looked at him and saw a happy ending. The ceiling light shone behind him making him look like an angel. Sarah looked at him and felt love.
Both hearts had been unlocked my the other and there was no denying how each felt. As if sharing the same thought Hank held Sarah's face with 1 hand and leaned down. Sarah put her hand on his shoulder and leaned up. Lips met in a deep kiss full of emotion and they both knew where they belonged. Together.

That may just be the cringeiest thing I have ever written. Ever. Whelp I'm going to go take a nap. Vote if you liked it and comment any suggestions.
See you later, love Lizzi

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