Chapter 18:The Park

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The 5 heroes arrived at the park, which looked normal, but was still in danger.

LINCOLN: Here was are. Royal Woods Park. The perfect place for a nice family picnic.

SPONGEBOB: It's so pretty.

TIMMY: We need to stop the Syndicate from cutting down those trees and pumping all the water from the lake.

Lincoln:(sees a laser tag gun on the ground)Hey kid must've drop this before they running away.Maybe this will come in handy but it needs a few upgrades (to jimmy)hey jimmy

Jimmy:Say no more I got this

He takes the gun and starts tinkering with it

Jimmy:TA-DA one laser gun

Lincoln:Thanks,you're a genius

Timmy: Okay guys,We need to stop the Syndicate from cutting down those trees and pumping all the water from the lake.

Danny: You've got a plan Lincoln?

Lincoln: Hey, they don't call me the Man with a Plan for nothing. We need to take out the Tree Cutters before we can destroy the Water Pump at the lake. Here's what we do about the Tree Cutters. SpongeBob, the water fountains here go way over the drain and splash onto the ground. We make a big enough puddle of water for you to absorb the water and spray onto the blades.

Spongebob: Aye aye Lincoln.

Lincoln:Timmy, you're Snowball glove should be able to freeze them.

Timmy: Got it.

Lincoln: Then I'll melt the ice with my laser

Jimmy: (Gets the idea) Will make the blades rusty enough to destroy. I can blast them off with my Neutron Flare.

Lincoln: That's about it. Once the blades are down, we close in for the kill.

Danny: Seems we have ourselves a plan. (Looks through the fence) Looks like there are 5 Tree Cutters in there. If we stick to Lincoln's plan we might be able to stop them.

Lincoln: Okay guys. Let's get to it. The sooner we take them out, the sooner we can get into Chandlers lair. Time for some landscaping!

He and Timmy high five and the heroes run into the park. When they entered, they came across Syndicate Troops.

Jimmy: We got company.

Danny: Sorry guys. The groundskeepers hate the way you keep the place!

They attacked the troops. Jimmy blasted 5 Grunts and 3 robots, Timmy blasted 3 Grunts and 4 robots, Danny took out 4 Grunts and 2 robots, SpongeBob chopped 4 Gremlins and 3 robots, and Lincoln blasted 7 Grunts and 6 robots.

Lincoln: Looks like that robot guy informed Chandler that we're trying to stop him.

Danny: And that's gonna give us more problems.

Jimmy: At least he'll be giving us a challenge.

Lincoln: I could use a challenge right now.

Timmy: Ditto.

Spongebob: (Sees a big rock blocking the path) Uh guys. There's a big rock in the way!

Jimmy: (Pulls out his Shrink Ray) I've got this SpongeBob. (Shrinks the rock) There we go.

Danny: (Picks it up) Small and sized.

He tossed it to the side and the 5 press on. As they did, they come across one of the Tree Cutters.

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