Chapter 25:Final Battle

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It's finally time. We've made it to the final battle. Will out heroes defeat the Syndicate, will they shut down the Doomsday Machine and will Calamitous learn finish his sentences? Let's find out.

The 29 heroes go through this timeline's portal and land in Jimmy's lab.

Cindy:(checks her watch) It's 7:23am,I guess you're right

Jimmy:We'd better we're gotta stop them before they destroy all the timelines in the Multiverse


Lori:Can we do it quickly,this dimension makes my butt look big

Jimmy:(typing on the computer)Okay with the transmitter we got from the Flea-bot We should be able to find calamitous' lair.(his computers finds the signal to the professor's lair)Found it,The lair is underground, beneath an abandoned warehouse. It's not that far from here. We can take the Hover-car.


Jimmy:Now that we found the lair we're ready to take them on. (Confident) Gotta Blast!

Timmy: (Confident) Hungry? filet o'fist!?!

Danny: (Confident) I'm going Ghost!

Spongebob: (Confident) I'm Ready.

Lincoln nods, but the others were looking at him like they were waiting for him.

Lincoln: Say my what?

Timmy: You're wicked cool catch phrase?

Lincoln: I don't have a catch phrase.

Jimmy: Well then think of one.

Lynn: Yeah It's not that hard Stinkoln

Lincoln: Okay. (Thinking) Um... How about ... (Confident) Let's get Loud!

Lori:That's pretty good

They go to hover car but they see it's small of them

Lincoln:How are we gonna fit into this thing?,there's too many of us

Jimmy:Don't worry I'm sure We'll all be able to fit

They Squeezed in the hover car at once but they all struggled to get in .

Lori:Move Over Leni

Leni:I'm Trying But Sam's in My Personal Space

Sam:You're My Personal Space

Lola:(lana get her butt in her face)Lana,Get your Butt Out of My Face

Lana:Get Your Face Out of My Butt

Luna:(moves squidward's foot from her face)Ew Squidward You Ink in My Face

Squidward:Hey It Just Happens

Patrick:Ow My Eye,Squidward!(Kicks his back)

Squidward:Ow! Patrick!

Patrick:You Hit My Eye

Squidward:By Accident

Sheen:Lynn,Stop Eating My Shoe

Lynn:(takes his shoe of her mouth)I'm not eating your shoe,your foot keeps getting in mouth why don't you take them off?

Sheen:Why don't you take off yours?(Lynn growls at Sheen's comment)

Luan:Move Jazz

Jazz:I'm trying

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