bounty hunter - 1

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a/n: welcome to this clusterfuck of a story! i haven't posted a legit story and finished it since i wrote cold to the touch, but it's time for something new! I've been binging hunter x hunter and i have loved every second of it, more or less a short little bastard named feitan. so here's his own little story, i have no idea how long it'll be so bear with me lmfao.

basic key: y/n - your name (usually just your first name on an informal basis) / f/n - first name / l/n - last name / h/c - hair color / e/c - eye color

this story uses she/her pronouns, but i'll try to keep it as neutral as possible

this will occasionally follow the storyline of hunter x hunter (2011) so there may be spoilers! this story will contain strong language, sexual themes, violence, gore, torture (we-) and lord knows what else that fool is into.

italics, unless stated otherwise, are your thoughts, but they can be others. i also looked into Jenny, the currency used throughout hunter x hunter, and found that roughly 1 jenny is equal to about 0.9 Japanese yen, and for this version, 134 jenny is equal to about 1 us dollar. i hope this isn't too confusing!


Rain trickled down between the cracks of the stone brick-lined streets. Large thunder clouds gathered in the sky as the sun hid away, leaving the town draped in darkness. It was going to be a long day.

Despite the clock reading eleven am, it certainly did not feel like it. You were already bummed. Staring at the wooden board in front of you, your eyes skipped over pieces of paper. Bounties left and right.

This week's selection was uninteresting. Besides a few petty thefts and small felonies, nothing really stood out to you. You'd be alright for the next few weeks, you'd saved up enough to keep you on your feet for a while, not to mention the bounty you'd just turned in which would be deposited shortly.

Dreading your walk back home in the rain, you pondered your options. You could stay here in hopes of a new bounty being posted, which wasn't rare, but would you be the one to snag it first was the real question. Or you could head home and rest, take a day off and let this week breeze by.

Like he'd read your thoughts, Roky, the bounty organizer, responsible for posting and rewarding bounties, approached the bulletin board. You were itching for some fun. A bounty hunt that would satisfy you. You were, by no means, a cold-blooded murderer. If someone didn't have a reason to die, you sure as hell didn't kill them.

But if your name was on a poster, expect a visit from a bounty hunter. You'd spotted a few turning heads as the burly man approached the board, pinning three more papers up on the board.

Darting out of your seat along with a few other bored bounty-hunters, you all crowded around the board. You grazed over the new additions, one catching your eye.

Richard Larson, escaped convict, wanted for 16 counts of first-degree murder, 4 counts of serial arson. Last seen in Yorknew City. Reward: 500,000 Jenny.

A hefty reward for a rather hefty target. You'd never heard of the man, but it sounded like a challenge, one you were up for. Quickly snagging the paper down before anyone else could, you brought it back over to the bar and waited for Roky to return behind the counter.

"Were you waiting for a new target?" He asked, peeking out from a backroom. You smiled and nodded.

"I wanted an interesting target, not one I'd find doing mild mid-day grocery shopping." You retorted sliding over the paper as he returned to the counter. He scanned the code on the bottom of the paper, entering it into the system, activating the target under your account.

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