downpour - 13

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You could feel your blood freeze as chills raced down your spine. This had to be a dream.

I'm dreaming. This isn't real. He's just a figment of my imagination, I'm hallucinating because of paranoia.

You tried to give every excuse but no matter how hard you tried to cross your t's, Feitan was still standing there. No matter how many times you blinked or tried to imagine him gone, he remained.

"You alright?" Asu asked, pulling your wrist along, earning your attention again. You opened your mouth to speak but quickly turned to look at him again, instead of seeing him across the bar, he was now standing right in front of you.

You clambered into the bar, jumping back away from him.

"We have...unfinished business." Feitan spoke, yanking you off of the chair.

"Y/n!" Asu and Roky shouted in unison, darting for their positions, racing after you.

As Feitan pulled you along, going faster than you could follow as your eyes only saw things in a blur, you tried to think of a way out of this situation.

"Stop!" You tried to pull away from him as he seemingly flew away from the bar. It had begun to rain, and now the weather was getting worse.

As things picked up, so did the weather. When Feitan finally stopped, the downpour seemed to halt, but things were far from over.

"You broke your promise." Feitan spoke clearly, glaring at you. You stood in front of him, with about enough distance for you to extend an arm out in front of you.

"I didn't-"

"You did." Feitan interrupted.

"You murdered innocent people!" You shouted, the thunder cracking above as you got angrier.

"So have you." Feitan was angry too. He didn't have time to deal with you.

"The people I killed were far from innocent." You corrected him. You were a bounty hunter, and the people you killed were usually murders or people among the sort.

"You still...kill people." Feitan glared at you, his gaze growing darker, carrying a weight of fury.

"I didn't ask to be caught up with the troupe, you could've killed me, better yet let me go. And you didn't. This is all on you. Don't try to rope me in with you!" You could hear Asu and Roky's screams in the background, searching for you.

"I was going to kill you." Feitan said blankly. You froze. You took a step back and stared at him, the feeling of emptiness filling inside you. The last time you felt like this was when your father had died.

"For a second I believed that maybe, deep inside, there was a part of you that was just like me. Human. And a human that has feelings. But I was wrong. You don't feel anything!" You screamed, your knees buckling as you fell to the wet pavement. The rain began to pick up again, falling harder than ever before.

"Foolish girl." Feitan stepped closer, but as he took his next step, he was thrown back. An unknown force pulled him away. You rose to your feet and felt tears pour from your eyes.

"I kissed you. I felt sympathy for you!" You yelled, pulling him over to you using nen. An invisible rope-like nen that you'd stolen from a dead nen user.

Before he could respond, you threw him into another wall, feeling your heart break as the cold rain washed over you.

Walking over to him, you glared at him as hurt rose in your eyes. Feitan could see the pain visible on your face, and now he was beginning to see just how awful he'd been to you.

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