witness - 4

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a/n: slight gore/violence warning ; U/n stands for Uncle's name.


Waking up on your floor was some start to your day. The uncomfortable crook in your neck as you sat up and yawned, stretching your arms out, your neck and back began to ache.

Your mind quickly retraced back to last night, when you made a break in your investigation.

Your uncle had to be linked to your father's death somehow. Your dad was kind, and he gave your uncle money when he needed it.

You guessed that need turned into a demand, and your father couldn't turn him down. Your uncle was manipulating your father. And he lost his life because of it. How? You aren't so sure of yet.

Your stomach was grumbling and begging to be tended too. You decided some breakfast would be a good idea. An even better idea would be to go see Roky. So you got dressed.

When you were dressed, you grabbed the essentials before leaving and headed toward the bar. It was a little further away than the convenience store you stopped at last night, but at least it wasn't raining like last time.

Walking in, the rather overwhelming smell of alcohol woke you up even more. A few heads turned at the sound of the bell ringing on the door. Roky's head perked up and his expression quickly contorted to joy when you sauntered over to the bar.

"Good mornin' Sunshine." Roky pulled out a glass and filled it with an orange substance.

"I'm not drinking-"

"It's orange juice, relax." Roky smiled, setting the filled glass in front of you. He momentarily paused what he was doing to talk with you.

"Anything happen after we hung up?" Roky asked, pouring himself a glass of the tangy citrus juice. You nodded and took a quick sip before letting him know the information.

"I think my uncle was involved somehow. There was no reason, no motive, for my dad's death because he had money. He owed money. He was in debt to someone, and I think that someone was my uncle." You explained.

"So you think your uncle killed him? Roky questioned, beginning to move some things around as you explained.

"Possibly, but my uncle isn't the one to do his bidding. He had someone else do it, so he wouldn't be guilty. My father lent him money all the time, so imagine my uncle takes this money and uses it for drugs, or some big corporation and they need more but he doesn't have any, so what does he do? Ask for more."

"And when your father finally cut him off, he got angry." Roky elaborated. You nodded and stared at the glass on the bar counter. It made you mad just thinking about it.

"That rotten bastard got my father killed." You seethed.

"You don't know that for sure, but it's a great lead." Roky calmed you down. You didn't have solid evidence to pin it against your uncle, but it was a good start, a good place to start digging.

"Do you have anything on him?" You ask, hoping Roky might know something.

"I was close with your father, but your uncle wasn't really in the picture." Roky didn't have anything to give you. This was information you would have to dig up on your own.

"Thanks anyway." You smile. Finishing off the rest of your orange juice, you hopped up from your seat and began to walk off when Roky stopped you.

"You sure you're okay, Kid?" Roky asked, his figure now standing in front of you.

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