trust issues - 5

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Feitan and Phinks had fallen asleep, medical and first aid supplies scattered all around them, too lazy to clean them up after they had patched you up to the best of their ability.

Shifting uncomfortably, you opened your eyes. You'd somehow managed to make it home, limping and leaning on anything and everything to keep your balance. However, you did not make it far into your home, just up the fire escape stairs and into the window onto the floor.

Glancing to your side, you felt the coolness of your bathtub, your hand rested on the side of the tub, bandages, and wraps lining your arm. That's when you noticed two other bodies laying in your bathroom.

Two bodies that terrified you.

Phinks and Feitan both laid across from each other, sound asleep, bandages, sterilizers, alcohol wipes, and numerous other first aid kit supplies scattered around them.

What the fuck? Why are they here?

You thought, gripping the side of the tub, you pushed yourself up and quietly tried to make your exit.

Your body was sore, and everything hurt, from the tip of your head all the way down to your toes. That Bryce guy wasn't messing around.

You made it a total of three steps before you tripped on Feitan's long trenchcoat. Feeling yourself fall, you braced for impact. After waiting a few seconds too long, you peeked open your eyes to see Feitan underneath you, a rather unamused look on his face.

"Not even...a thank you?" Feitan asked, letting you go, setting you down on the floor. Sitting back up, you adjusted and now noticed Phinks was awake as well.

"I don't even know, how you're here." You mumbled, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, hoping you'd be able to get some sort of explanation.

"We've been watching you. In fact, we hid in your closet one night because we broke into your house." Phinks stated cooly, a smug look on his face.

"You hid in my closet?" You repeated, staring at him.

"Yup." He replied. You sighed and looked back in front of you, staring at the floor of your bathroom.

"Thank you, for whatever you did." You motioned to the bandages.

"Just what the fuck did you do to get so beat up?" Phinks asked, beginning to pick around at the medical supplies and gather them in a pile.

"I made a break in my investigation, assuming you already know I'm searching for who killed my father." You looked toward Feitan. He nodded and reached for your hand.

"Relax... I'm just fixing...this bandage." He pushed the bandaid on your finger back down, smoothing it out around your finger.

"I think my uncle was somehow involved. I tracked down a lead to some Bryce Lazurus guy, and well, he killed my uncle right in front of me before beating me up." You sighed, resting your head in your hands.

"Now the lead I had is completely destroyed. I could've tried to get something from my uncle but now I'll never know."

"Stop tryin' to play the good cop, kid." Phinks chuckled, watching as you broke down.

"I'm trying to do what's right. And I'm not a fucking kid." You bit back, staring at the blonde man. He raised his hands up and smiled again.

"Chill out." He retorted.

"No. I don't think you get it. You murder people like it's nothing, how could you do that? How could you be so fucking heartless?" You lunge at him, gripping the collar of his jacket.

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