make-overing a murderer - 11

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a/n: another post because i've gotten the hang of writing these chapters and i can't really stop lmfao. the plot thickens~


It was a drastic turn of events, now knowing that he himself was going to be your demise, that was if Hisoka was telling the truth.

Feitan didn't get much sleep. And having to head back to the old city grounds to meet with the rest of the troupe, Feitan was feeling surprisingly weighed down.

"Chrollo is going to kill her after the auction."

"You're going to have to do it."

Hisoka's dark words mixed with the eerie cheer his voice always seemed to be coated in like the opposite of a sour candy, sweet at the center but surrounded by mouth-puckering sugar, Hisoka's words were malicious yet coated in sugar and honey, misleading right up to that first bite.

"Don't ever pull something like that again, ya hear me?" Phinks threatened, shaking a fist in your direction as you groggily rubbed your neck. Despite all this pain, your body felt better.

Your wrist had stopped aching, and you hadn't felt much discomfort in your side since Machi stitched it up. Guess she was really lucky to have such a powerful nen.

"Sorry." You replied dully, staring at the ground as the four of you approached the old city grounds. Hisoka had woke al of you up early enough to check out, and then you all got some sort of breakfast.

Skipping out on a meal for a while had made you much more hungry than you expected to be. Feitan, still feeling a bit bothered by Hisoka's words, offered you what he didn't finish of his food which you gratefully accepted.

You weren't ready to be face to face with the other members of the troupe. You didn't think they were going to be all too happy that you were still alive and with Chrollo.

Nobunaga and Maichi were the most surprised to see you still alive and kicking. Chrollo wore his usual cheery, if you could call it that, expression as he looked at you, holding his book closed.

"Thank you. Let's have a word." Chrollo excused the three men who had been looking after you and pulled you aside.

"I'm hoping they didn't give you too much trouble." Chrollo laughed the situation off like he was just catching up with some old friend.

A few thoughts came racing back to you. Feitan kissing you. You kissing Feitan. Holding hands with him in the cemetery. You weren't ready to do whatever it is he wanted you to.

You just wanted to go home, to your bed, see Roky and get a new bounty. Was that so much to ask for?

"Why are you talking to me like I'm some sort of old friend? I don't exactly like you." You lean against the mossy concrete wall and sigh, glaring at the toned man.

"We have to get along. Remember? Or have you changed the terms of your agreement." Chrollo smirked, taking a step closer. You rolled your eyes and shoved past him and switching positions, pinning him against the wall.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." Your eyes narrowed as you stared at Chrollo, his own eyes narrowing.

"Give me one reason as to why I shouldn't do the same." Chrollo shot back. You groaned and let your hands fall from his shoulders to your side.

"You need to change. We're going to get dressed for the first event tonight. Wear something nice." Chrollo shot you a smile as he slinked away, returning to his post to sift through his book some more. You groaned and punched the wall, an ugly crunch ringing through your ears.

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