peace at last - 21

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a/n: the final chapter! thank you so much for all the reads, i'm so happy i could make this story, i truly had a blast making this! i'm moving onto other works in the future, but as far as this story goes, we may see a sequel in the future, but for now, enjoy the final chapter to arachnophobia !!

thank you so much for all the comments and love, your support has been tremendous and i can't wait for you guys to see what the future holds <3


The world seemed to slow down as you laid in bed. Things were fine, for once. You felt okay. You felt whole. You felt at peace.

Things had settled down. Much more than you thought they would've. Feitan's soft snores beside you reminded you of something good that had somehow come out of something terrible.

The more you thought about it, your father's death had led you to him. In some sort of dark, twisted, romance novella where Feitan was your love interest, you'd found peace in this violence. In his violence.

Feitan and you were polar opposites, yet in the deepest part of your heart, you could feel yourself connecting with him more and more each day. You no longer wanted to be apart from him. Though you still struggled to see his ideals on more than one count, you opened yourself up to trusting him.

Trust was something you had to work on. You had to trust Feitan. He sure as hell trusted you. He wouldn't just lay asleep with anyone, but here he was, his head on your chest as you stroked his hair, the same position you'd laid in once before.

As the morning rolled in, you began to think about what you were truly going to do next. You could go with Feitan, and reunite with the troupe. Surely there was a place for you there, they would accept you, flaws and all, right? 

"What...are you thinking about?" Feitan asked, now noticeably awake. You glance down at him and bite your bottom lip.

"Would the troupe like me?" You ask, worried about his answer. Machi certainly didn't seem to be too fond of you, and neither did Phinks now.

"You're apart now. They...would welcome you." Feitan traced a finger up across your skin and up to your chin, pulling your head down toward his. Leaning up, he pressed his lips to yours and kissed you delicately, as if you would break if he was too rough.

Kissing back, you could feel your heart begin to beat faster. It was strange, to feel so happy. For years you'd been chasing down the answer to your father's murder, and yet after you felt worse. 

But as you laid with Feitan, kissing him, you could feel yourself growing back together. All that emptiness you'd been confusingly left with, was fading away.

In some weird way, Feitan had eased all of your pain. The guy that you'd sworn you hated the second you met him, was now laying in your arms, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

"Phinks probably hates my guts, and Machi never really liked me to begin with." You feeling insecure wasn't wrong. You'd dashed when you were 'needed' but it wasn't your fault. You'd gotten mixed into the wrong business, and you weren't even supposed to have met the Phantom Troupe. It just sort of happened.

"They can...put the past...behind them." Feitan rolled over and straddled your waist, staring down at you like he'd done countless times before.

"Besides, you're mine...they have too." Feitan smirked, trailing a finger down your cheek to your chin. You simply blushed and smiled.

"I hated spiders." Feitan reminded you of your fear. You nodded your head and laughed.

"I still do. But I guess I can make an exception for a few of them." You spoke about the troupe.

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