the aftermath of anarchy - 12

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Two weeks had gone by.

After one week of staying at the bar, Roky had managed to get you a new place, about 10 miles away from your old place, and about a forty-five minute walk away from the bar. You could always take a taxi there anyway.

After two weeks, you'd moved into your new place. Your new apartment had two bedrooms, one of which you dedicated to your father's case.

You hadn't made any progress since you stopped by his grave in Yorknew. If the city didn't make you uneasy before with your father's death, it certainly made you uneasy with the countless deaths you witnessed.

Just thinking of the city, or of spiders made you want to throw up. You wanted to go back in time.

If I had just gone after someone doing mild mid-day grocery shopping.

You wouldn't have been in this sinking ship. You felt paranoid. Going outside felt like inviting the grim reaper over for tea.

Even worse, nothing had happened. That was what terrified you the most.

A knock on your door startled you and pulled you from your thoughts. You tiptoed over, peeking through the peep-hole on your front door, checking to make sure it was Roky. And it was.

"Hey." You smiled, emerging from your apartment.

"How've you been?" Roky asked, handing you your mail. He'd been running by every so often to check up on you. He really cared.

"Doing better, I think I'm going to start looking back into my father's case. Things have settled down some." You allowed Roky in, stepping to the side, locking the door behind him.

"I wanted to introduce you to someone later. Would you be up for stopping by the bar around six?" Roky questioned, his hands in his pockets.

"L-like a date?!" You stared at the burly man, a blush threatening to spread across your face.

"No, no! Although, he's a pretty nice guy. I just think it might help if you have someone working alongside you. Like a partner of sorts. And with recent events, a bodyguard even." Roky stated.

"A babysitter." You pouted, staring at roky as he chuckled.

"He's your age, and strong. You might have to save his ass so I won't say he's stronger than you but if he could crash here on your couch that would make me feel better about you being safe."

"And how do we know this guy isn't-"

"He's clean. Believe me, I searched for this guy. No fake ID's, no other alias', every single record this guy has is completely clean, no signs of foul play, no affiliation with the troupe at all."

"Fine. But if he's a pain I'm kicking him out." You puffed your cheeks and began opening your mail. It was a lot of the same stuff, a few bills here and there which you had plenty of money to cover.

"See you then. Lock the door behind me." Roky patted your head as he left, and you did as he said.

To make things even safer, Roky didn't want a spare key. In case someone found out about the bar, or your employer, Roky felt better off just knocking on your door than the risk of getting the key stolen.


The troupe had been through hell. This wasn't the plan at all.

With both Uvogin and Pakunoda dead, Chrollo and Hisoka both gone somewhere, the troupe was left on its own.

"We've been gravely underestimated." Shizuku pointed out. The remaining members stood around, Feitan and Phinks both talking to themselves off the side of the group.

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