getting caught in the spider's web - 15

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a/n: the hxh wiki i use for most of my information doesn't specify which number pakunoda has, it's rumored that paku and shalnark are either 6 or 9, for this fic, pakunoda is listed as the 9th member, but it is not canonically accurate (as far as we know)!


Shifting on the couch, you tried readjusting to get comfortable. Opening your eyes to try and see what you were doing, you fixated on a dark figure looming over you.

Reflexes kicked in and you went to swing, this wasn't Jamie over you, it was an intruder. Their arms reached out, their hands wrapping around your neck and squeezing, choking you.

"J-Ja-achk-" You started coughing, choking from the lack of air. You started thrashing, trying to knock your attacker off of you, but nothing was working. The more you kicked, the more tired you got. Your vision was becoming spotty and you could feel yourself slipping.

Jamie wasn't anywhere to be seen, you hoped she was okay.

You blacked out, falling limp after you lost vision and thought.

Jamie was still sound asleep upstairs in her room, unaware of what had happened. Your captor quickly bound your hands and feet with tight rope before throwing you over their shoulder and leaving through the door they'd entered.

Tossing your body in the backseat, your captor closed and locked the doors, driving away as the night crept onward.


"She wasn't there!" Asu cursed. Bryce rubbed his temples. He was annoyed.

"Asu you had one fucking job. Find my fucking girl." Bryce yelled, kicking Asu out of his office.

Asu had been hired as a seemingly innocent bodyguard to watch over you and eventually, he was going to bring you in. But upon arrival at the house, you were gone.

Jamie, the lady you'd been staying with was still there, unharmed, but there was absolutely nothing leading to you even showing up at this place.

No evidence, your bag was gone, and everything belonging to you was nowhere in sight. Someone had beaten them to you. But just who the hell had done it?

He watched Feitan leave, he made no effort to even attack you, even so, he had no idea where you were. It couldn't have been him.

Asu was pissed. He was just trying to do his job and everything was now significantly more difficult than it needed to be. He needed to find you, and he needed to find you soon. He was done wasting time. He was going to get his hands on you even if it meant getting his hands dirty.


Letting out a few coughs, your eyes shot open and you began searching around frantically. Your wrists hurt from your tight binds and glancing at your legs, your feet were in no better shape.

"Have a good nap?" A voice spoke from the darkness.

No. No fucking way.

You thought. The sound of a book closing and footsteps echoed in the cool, run-down building.

Chrollo appeared in front of you, kneeling down to you, he ran a finger under your chin.

"Where am I?" You asked, pulling away from the man. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Someone safe. You have some rather nasty people after that, you know? That Asu guy, he's been double-crossing you this whole time." Chrollo spoke, reaching to untie your hands. He grabbed a glass of water and handed it to you, his courtesy almost seeming too kind.

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