things that go bump in the night - 8

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As the water and bubbles drained from the large tub, you were saddened a little. Wrapped in a soft, velvet, crimson bathrobe, you gulped down the last bit of champagne in your glass before cleaning up the things you'd moved for your bath.

You hadn't finished the bottle of champagne, but you'd made a significant dent in its contents. You were buzzing but you were going to head back to bed soon. So much for drunk fun times, if you could even have any with the three troupe members.

You changed into some fresh clothes that you had brought with you into the bathroom. It was something simple, some sweatpants and a t-shirt Feitan had just picked randomly when he packed your bag.

Stepping out back into the hotel room's living room, you scurried back to your room where Feitan was also staying. He was nowhere to be seen, and you figured that was for the better right now.

The remainder of your bath was spent thinking about how the tips of his cheeks reddened softly, or what you could see of his face really. Either way, you tried not to think much about it, it seemed like an accident.

And that was all you really wanted to think it was anyway.

Laying the bag of clothes down on the floor, you cleared off the bed you'd be sleeping in and checked around for any spiders.

"Looking...for something?" Feitan's voice called from the doorway of the room. You turned and sighed.

"Just checking for spiders, but I guess I found one." You laughed awkwardly, trying to lighten the tense air that had been clogged since he stumbled into the bathroom on you.

"Haha." He laughed in his own way. He stepped toward his bed and sat down, kicking off his boots. You'd never seen Feitan in anything other than his long trench coat and boots.

"Do you sleep in that thing?" You asked involuntarily, the thought protruding from your brain to your vocal cords.

"What sleepwear do with you?" Feitan asked, pulling the trenchcoat off. Toned, defined arms helped take the rest of it off and soon you were left staring at his back, which was also toned. You could only imagine what the front looked like.

You had to stop staring or you were sure you'd be drooling, if not blushing.

"I'm sorry, I just thought it looked a bit uncomfy to sleep in." You apologized and turned back to face your side of the room, sitting on the bed just like Feitan was.

"Am I interrupting something?" Hisoka's sing-song voice echoed through your room and your head whipped around once again to the doorway.

"No." Feitan mumbled, grabbing a shirt and tossing it on, getting in something to wear for the next couple of days. You were right, his getup was great for combat, but super uncomfortable when it came to sleeping.

"I wanted to have a few words with you." Hisoka danced over to you, standing against the wall you were facing as your eyes followed him.

"What do you need to talk about?" You asked, sitting back on your bed, crossing your legs. Hisoka smiles.

"You're very important to Chrollo, but I'm struggling to understand why." Hisoka smirked, taking out a playing card, sliding it between his fingers.

"You are very gorgeous, but I highly doubt it's looks that have got Chrollo hooked on you." Hisoka's sly flirts definitely weren't going over your head, and they certainly weren't going over Feitan's.

For some reason, hearing Hisoka say such things, that were even normal for him to say, to you, made Feitan angry. Why'd he have to say them to you of all people?

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