alluding to death in the near future - 16

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Feitan wasn't necessarily thrilled to be tagging along. Sure, he wanted to look after you, but he was sort of upset. You'd left, told him off after a while of seemingly not existing, and then shown back up with a spider tattoo.

The trip back to Lyda was quiet. You didn't say much, and neither did Feitan. Your thoughts were all over the place. You were a part of the troupe now, whether you liked it or not. It wasn't exactly something you were proud of.

Feitan had to stay with you at all times, this rule was put in place by Phinks who didn't want you running off again. He wasn't going to keep chasing you, and he'd instructed Feitan to 'deal with you' if you tried anything funny.

Unlocking your apartment, you looked around cautiously before stepping inside. Asu didn't know that you knew he was double-crossing. You should've known from the start that someone wouldn't just agree to help you out. You should've just stayed with Roky for a bit.

"He's not here." You spoke quietly, setting your belongings down on the dining room table. You'd managed to find your things, or what Chrollo had left you with. Feitan admired your new apartment. Your old apartment was a bit cleaner, but he was happy to see that the Asu guy wasn't around.

"Is he...your boyfriend?" Feitan asked, the question catching you off guard.

"No. We're not even friends. Why do you care?" You ask, heading toward your bedroom, Feitan following behind you.

"Why...does he live with you...then?" Feitan asked, watching as you grabbed a large black duffel bag, placing it on your bed. Next, you stepped toward your closet.

"He was supposed to be my bodyguard. To protect me from the troupe, it wasn't really my decision. But look where I am." You looked away from Feitan and stepped into your closet, closing the doors just enough so Feitan couldn't see you.

Stepping closer to make sure you weren't going to try anything, his eyes followed a few pieces of clothing that dropped to the ground. You were changing.

Stepping back, Feitan looked away his heart beginning to race. You were done faster than he expected, but when you exited the closet, his eyes couldn't leave you.

In something similar to what you'd worn when you first met them, a black bodysuit and some gear which Feitan assumed you used for bounty-hunting, you looked good.

"But he's not..." Feitan continued the conversation, his eyes dropping to look at the curve of your hips. You looked away and sighed.


From your room down the hall, you could see the front door open. Moving quickly, you shoved Feitan into your closet, shutting the door quickly.

"Oh, you're home!" Asu smiled, walking down the hall to your room. Examining your clothes, Asu knew you were going out for some sort of work, bounty hunting he assumed.

"New bounty?" Asu stood in the doorway. In his pocket laid a heavy sedative in a syringe, one he intended to use on you.

"Yup, I'm heading out soon. Are you going to the bar too?" You asked, hoping he wasn't staying for long. Feitan was standing silently in your closet still, listening in on everything.

"You're heading out? I was at the bar all day, I didn't see you stop in." Asu approached you, his eyes narrow.

"I was going to stop by the bar on the way out, is what I meant." You took a step back, but Feitan had heard enough. Darting out of your closet, the doors swinging open, Feitan landed a nice blow on Asu.

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