romance in the refuge - 19

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a/n: this chapter contains mentions of sex and will include some mature/nsfw themes. the following chapter will most likely be a smut chapter so if you are uncomfortable, feel free to skip around these parts as they will mostly be filler.

i also apologize for another late chapter, life is busy dsjgfhdjg, i hope you guys are ready cuz things are getting steamy ;)


Things had seemed to settle down. And for the most part, you were okay. There was still some underlying feeling of emptiness, but you only assumed it was from the feeling of having completed your mission and closing such a huge part of your life away.

You'd discovered what happened to your father, and killed the man responsible for your years of misery. You'd ended a chapter of your life. You could rest easy.

Or as easy as you would let yourself get.

A part of you felt cold and hollow. You'd finally gone back to your apartment, Roky entrusting Feitan to keep you safe should trouble come knocking.

You spent most of the next day cleaning and packing up your father's investigation. You made sure to jot down all the evidence, filing away the missing pieces you'd found along the way, packing it all up, and placing it into some cardboard boxes.

You placed the three boxes on a shelf in your closet and sighed. Now the guest bedroom was clean and empty.

Had Asu not been a traitor, it would've become his room.

Feitan had fallen asleep on your couch, sprawled out like a starfish. You couldn't imagine it was very comfy, but you left him alone.

You decided to whip up something to eat in the kitchen. You'd been eating take out for way too long and you wanted a meal, something you could make and sit down and eat, even if the result wasn't amazing.

Despite the mess you made along the way which you were able to clean up, you'd successfully prepared a dinner for you and Feitan, who was still sound asleep on the couch.

His deep slumber could only make you wonder more of when the last time he got good sleep was. Deciding it was probably best to just let him sleep, you sat at the dining table and ate in silence.

It was odd. You felt like you didn't have anything to do. Boredom was sure to set in soon. You could of course bury yourself back into bounty work, but a part of you just wanted to take a vacation to the nearest island and sip on some fruity drink in a cute bathing suit and just breathe.

You had one plan in mind, but you were worried about going.

You could go back to Yorknew and see your father's grave again.

But then what would you do? What if he didn't show up? What if he never wanted to see you again?

"Why are you...crying?" Feitan's voice startled you out of your thoughts. You glanced over at him and stared in confusion.

"Crying?" You lifted your hands up to your cheeks. They were wet with tears, even more flowing from your eyes.

You didn't even know you'd been crying.

"I didn't realize." You admitted, rubbing your eyes dry.

"You can get a plate and some food, I didn't want to wake you up." You told Feitan, already finished with your plate of food.

"Thanks." Feitan nodded. You trailed off down the hall, stepping into the empty guest bedroom. You could get a bed and a dresser to put in here for someone else, but you doubted you'd be living with someone else.

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