when you give a spider a kids meal - 10

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The walk back from the graveyard was quiet. Feitan didn't try to make any conversation, and neither did you.

You were processing a lot. Your father, the man you were trying to avenge, didn't want you to. But the unsettling feeling of having come so far to figuring out the cause and the person responsible for his death was too much for you to give up so easily.

You had a long road ahead of you, and it wasn't going to be easy. You weren't entirely sure if you were even going to be able to conjure your dad's spirit, but you did. How many more times you can do that, you were currently unaware of.

When you arrived back at the hotel, Hisoka was on the phone with someone, and Phinks was watching something on the tv. You were a tad curious as to who Hisoka was talking too because, at the mention of your name, Hisoka's eyes darted over to you before smiling.

"Finally. You're back." Phinks groaned, rising to his feet off the couch, clicking the tv off.

"We're going out. Come on." Phinks grabbed your wrist and pulled you right back outside the door and down to the lobby, Feitan watching from behind as he followed.

Feitan's eyes remained on Phinks' grasp on your wrist, noticing how it had loosened just enough to not cause you any discomfort.

"Where are we going?" You asked, trying to ignore Phinks' grip on your wrist, deciding he was probably just holding onto you to make sure you didn't run off anywhere.

"I'm starving, and I couldn't take much more of that clown's ramblings." Phinks finally let go of your wrist and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Feitan could relax now as he didn't see the need to worry about Phinks and you being seen as some sort of couple.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess I'm pretty hungry too." You smile, wondering what kind of food you could go for.

"I...am hungry too." Feitan added, making his presence known again, although you wished he was the one walking beside you.

The restaurant the three of you walked into was small, and had a pizzeria style feel to it. Eyeing the menu, you thought long and hard about what you wanted, craving something savory with flavor.

"Hi, there! Would you like to try our family meal?" The woman behind the counter asked, looking at your trio.

"Family meal?" You questioned, unsure of what she meant.

"It's a medium pizza with an optional kid's meal! It comes with three drinks, two medium and one small, and the option for dessert afterward for just 50 Jenny more." The woman explained, her cheery expression giving Feitan a headache.

Yet again he was being targeted as a child.

I should invest in some platform shoes or something.

Feitan thought to himself, wondering if increasing his height would help. Phinks, on the other hand, was smirking. He wasn't aiming to look like a couple, but he'd take the compliment.

He did find you incredibly attractive, and it wasn't every day that someone like you got to hang around him all the time and not be a co-worker of sorts. Phinks wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to make this look like a date.

"That sounds good to me." Phinks' smirk turns into a smile as he looks at you and then down to Feitan, who looked like he was ready to just leave.

"Are you sure? I don't think-"

"Keep the change." Phinks slapped some cash down and proceeded to walk to a table, dragging you, who was now pulling Feitan, along. The three of you sat down at the dark chestnut-colored table, beginning the wait for your food.

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