sex in the sanctuary - 20

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a/n: this chapter is a smut and contains sexual themes! if you are uncomfortable please feel free to skip this chapter! anything important will be mentioned in the next chapter.

warnings for this chapter include; degradation, praise, overstimulation, orgasm denial, choking, heavy sub/dom dynamics, some sadism/masochist dynamics, biting, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, spanking, deepthroat, cum play


As Feitan's eyes trailed down your topless torso,  his fingers dipped under the hem of your sweatpants and began to tug them down. Revealing a pair of black underwear, Feitan was grinning like a pervert.

Having finally torn your sweatpants away and off your body, staring at you, Feitan was in wonderland. Every part of you was gorgeous. Feitan was going to take every chance he got to devour you.

Feitan was doing more than enough to tease you. Barely touching you, or touching you too much, every touch sent shivers down your spine as he began to spread your legs apart.

Connecting his lips to your inner thigh, he began running his tongue across your skin, sinking his teeth in. Biting and marking you up in more than just one spot, you wanted him to do more.


A sharp inhale at the stroke of two of Feitan's fingers right down your wet panties cut your words in half. The simple stroke to your clothed wet cunt was like an electric shock.

"Patience." Feitan instructed, pulling his hand back from teasing you, resuming his task of leaving numerous hickeys all over your inner thigh. The slight ticklish feeling of his tongue on your skin was only making you crave his touch more.

When he finally pulled away, a part of you was relieved, but now what was he planning on doing? You could only hope the teasing would be over. You couldn't wait any longer.

Sitting on his knees, Feitan sat between your spread legs. Leaning down, he lowered himself to in between your thighs. Hooking two fingers on his left hand under the crotch of your soaked panties, he slid them to the side and admired your wet cunt.

His breath fanning over your folds was giving you goosebumps. Using his index and middle finger on his right hand, he parted your pussy lips just enough to expose the little bundle of nerves he was looking for.

Flicking his tongue across your clit, you instantly threw your head back. The sensation was overwhelming. But when Feitan began putting his mouth to work, flicking his tongue across the sensitive bud and eating you out like he was a starved man, your moans were uncontrollable.

From toying with your clit to dipping his tongue inside your cunt, you were getting more than what you asked for. His teasing had stopped, but if he kept it up you were going to cum.

Almost as if he'd read your mind, the euphoric feeling close to washing over you, everything stopped. Whining as he pulled away, letting your panties slide back over your already soaked cunt, Feitan rose up to look at your face.

"Were you...enjoying yourself?" Feitan teased, gripping your chin as he smushed your lips to his own, biting down on your bottom lip. Pushing a knee to your panties, Feitan grinned as you desperately tried to get off, attempting to ride his knee, moving your hips to try and get some sort of pleasure.

"Such a needy...slut." Feitan pulled away and stared at your face. He was torn between slapping you and kissing you.

Gripping your throat with enough force to mean something, you were still able to breathe, but the sensation felt great. Slipping a hand back into your panties, Feitan's fingers began working at your cunt now.

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