troubles and traumas - 3

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a/n: another chapter out because i actually really enjoy writing this story.


"I want you and Phinks to track her down, and hang low. See what she's doing. The auction isn't for another two to three weeks. Bring her in when you've got a pretty good opening."  Chrollo instructed Feitan and Phinks of their new task.

"You want us to stalk this girl?" Phinks asked, crossing his arms across his tan jacket.

"Stalking is a term you could use, but consider it, gathering information. She should be rather easy to find, you know her name and that she's a bounty hunter, so find where she turns in her bounties." Chrollo adds.

"This...sounds like fun." Feitan smiled behind his bandana. He and Phinks did most missions together, and he'd consider him a close acquaintance, friend was pushing it, but the two did get along.

"Don't get caught, I need you two here for the auction." Chrollo advised. And with that, Feitan and Phinks were off.


After some much-needed rest, you were back on your feet, making yourself some food. It was around eleven at night, and you were starving.

Opening the fridge, you grimaced at the contents inside. Nothing too bad, but nothing great either. You were worried that it was still too early to go out, but you didn't feel like eating leftovers from a few nights ago.

Glancing at your attire, you decided a quick change into some sweatpants and a sweater as well as some running shoes, you grabbed your wallet and keys and headed out.

The air was cool, much cooler compared to the bustling city air that was thick and hot in Yorknew. It was a relief to be out of the city for more than one reason.

Walking down the street, illuminated by large lampposts that looked oddly victorian despite the current time, you were fiddling with your fingers inside your pockets.

You debated stopping by the bar to talk to Roky, but assuming he was either asleep or off-shift, you decided it was just best to head to the convenience store and buy some snacks for the time being.

What would you even tell him? 'Oh yeah, by the way, I ran into the Phantom Troupe and they're most likely going to be hunting me down.' You didn't want to terrify the man, but you also didn't want to lose the main source for your bounties. Roky could easily kick you off the 'program' if he felt like you were going to bring trouble there.

You'd seen it happen before, a few bounty hunters led their targets to the bar and in conclusion, they didn't get paid, nor were they allowed back inside. You didn't want to find another source of bounties because frankly, you doubted any of them would be as kind as Roky.

In a way he was like a mentor to you, he looked after you, like he looked after everyone in his 'program.' It was one big family of sorts. And a lot of the time, if you ever needed anything, information, a place to crash, Roky's doors were open.

You didn't want to endanger him because you were clumsy. You couldn't do that to him, especially since he'd helped you with a few leads for your investigation.

You were getting closer to the store, but your head continued to fill with thoughts.

Roky had given you a few solid leads in the investigation you were running. Trying to solve a murder was a lot harder than it looked, or at least from what you'd seen in the movies.

You'd pieced together most of the leads and evidence yourself, but Roky had been a big help.

You see, when you're the ripe age of 14, things don't just go away with time. What you saw, what you experienced, that was trauma.

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