I Saw Them Standing There!

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[Thomas' POV:]

Before we knew it, we were done performing.

"Gamshabnida! Everybody!" Athan said to the crowd.

We waved our goodbyes to the crowd.

We saw Twice cheering for us while we enter the backstage. They say we were so lit back there.

I chuckled.

Before I knew it. Athan was talking to Nayeon, Jeongyeon to Vincent, Dahyun to Jethro, and Tzuyu to Ric. While the rest are talking to each other

I was siting there no one talking to me.

Sigh, "Nobody appreciates a drummer." I thought at the back of my mind.

Then Chaeyoung approachs me, I start to feel butterflies in my stomach, and I can feel my face turning red.

"Hey, You were great out there, always on beat, also thanks for catching me back there!" She said to me.

"Thanks!" I replied to her while trying not to look at her beautiful eyes.

Then Sana approaches us.

She suddenly jumped and hugged me, I was shocked by her action.

"Oh, Sorry I just got excited!" She said looking embarrassed.

"Oh, it's nothing, they don't call you Sanake for nothing." I said to her while blushing.

She punched me in my biceps.

"I know it's all of a sudden, Can I we  exchange numbers?" She said looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Well, I can't say no to that." I said to her.

"Here." I said to her.

Then she gave hers. "This was the first time a girl asked me for my number." I thought.

She jump joyfully, she was so happy that the others starts to look at her.

She calmly sat down beside me.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

"I'm gonna do it, Imma take this risk." I thought to myself.

"So Sana, No shy shy shy, do you have any plans for tonight? Let's hangout, if it's fine for you." I said to her nervously while crossing my fingers.

Guess what!

"YES! I WOULD LOVE TO!" She said gladly.

"What time?" I asked her.

"9 pm?" She said hesitantly.

"Sure, it's a date!" I said to her excitedly.

"Btw, should I pick you up? Or just meet up?" I asker her.

"Pick me up at our dorm." She said happily.

I nodded

She gave me their address.

[No one's POV:]

Twice and The Juaders kept talk8ng for a couple hours.

Up until outside, they kept talking,
Thomas waved goodbye to Sana.
They drove away.

The Juanders got back to the hotel safely, Thomas took a bath quickly. Because it's already 7 pm.

While Twice got back to their dorm safely too. Sana rushed up to her room, she took a rest so she'll be energized later on.

[Thomas' POV:]

"What clothes should I wear?" I thought to myself.

"Where are you going?" Ric asked.

"On a date? Who knows?" I said to him.

"Aish, who though?" He asked me.

"You'll know when I get back!" I said to him.

He chuckled.

Then He called the others.

"THOMAS IS GOING ON A DATE, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" He shouted at the phone.

Then the other members rushed into the room, they all jumped on me.

"Ahh F**k, You're all heavy!" I said to them while all them are crushing me.

"Looks like our boi is all grown up!" Jethro said to sarcastically.

"Aish, Shut up, I'm choosing my clothes! It's already 7:30 pm! I said to them annoyingly.

"Alright, Goodluck and have fun!" Vincent said in an weird manner.

I chose my clothes, A long-Sleeve polo tucked in a jeans and my Jordan 1.

I also rolled up my sleeves, up to my elbow.

I also fixed my curly hair.

They all looked at me, fascinated.

"Whatcha you looking at fools, Am I too handsome?" I said to them sarcastically.

They started to fake puke.

"Aish, anyway I'll be going, I'll have to pick her up!" I said to them while walking to the door.

"Goodluck!" They said im unison.

I chuckled at them, and closed the door.

I went to the elevator, and Waited for it.

The door opened, there's not a lot of people. I sighed as a sign of relieve.

Then a woman walked up to.

"You're one of the Juanders, right?" She said with a child in her hand.

I nodded.

"Can my son and I take a picture?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, sure why not!" I said to them.

We took a selfie with her son.

"Thank you very much!" She said gladly to me.

"Yeah, No problem!" I said to them.

They went off the elevator.

I went off the elevator at the lobby.

I called a taxi, I show him the address, he gladly accept it. It's kinda far away.
Like an 1 hour drive.

I started to feel nervous. I think the driver noticed me sweating.

I'm thinking what if I ruined it?

"Hey Son, You going on a date right?" He said to me.

"How'd you know?" I said to him while my voice is shuttering because of nervousness.

"I knw when guys are going on a date, also don't be nervous, just be yourself to her!" He said smiling at the rear view mirror.

"Thanks, for the tip!" I said to him gladly.

After a few more minutes.

"We're here!" He said to me.

"Okay, thanks btw." I said to him gladly.

I paid him with a huge tip for helping me.

"No problem young man!" He said to me happily.

He drove away. I went to the front door. It's around 8:30pm.

I knock on the door, a voice of an angel answered.

"Who is it?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Uhm, It's Thomas from the Juanders!" I replied back

She opened the Door...

To be Continued....

(I hope you like this short chapter :>)

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