Chapter 2; 100

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The picture above though-
Also I have almost the whole story written at this point but since I want to make you all suffer I shall only post one or two chapters a day.


Kokichi looked down at the map of Hope's Peak Academy. He was searching for his dorm. 2-3 17? What did that even mean? He eventually found his way, unlocking the door slowly. He was supposed to have a roommate. "Hellooooo???"

Shuichi turned his head from the couch he was sitting on. Oh. Usosuki must be the roommate he was told about. "Ah, Usosuki!" He stood up, walking over to the door as the purple-haired male closed it behind him. "I don't think we were ever introduced, were we? My name is Shuichi Saihara.. They call me the Ultimate Detective, but I really didn't do much to earn that title."

Kokichi shrugged. "You obviously did something!" He took Shuichi's hand, shaking it vigorously. Then, during the handshake, he glanced down at his wrist. 100%, huh? Not bad.


Kokichi's eyes widened as he looked back down at his wrist. Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. "Sh-Shuichi... look."

At this command, Shuichi looked down at their hands. Oh...

"Usosuki... we're-"

Kokichi felt a smile creep it's way into his face as he let go of Shuichi's hand, instead jumping up and hugging the taller male tightly. Shuichi, shocked, stumbled back a little as his eyes widened. Woah.

Because of Kokichi's small height, Shuichi found that he wasn't hugging him as much as he was carrying him. This realization made the detective's face flush a dull shade of scarlet. Usosuki was so small now that he saw him like this. And he was cute, now that he thought about it...

Kokichi smiled, sliding out of Shuichi's arms and smiling up at him.

Shuichi coughed into his hand, looking away. "Um... Th-This is great and all, but, Kyoko and I have to investigate a crime scene again, so-"

"Aww... you're leaving already?" Kokichi pouted, grabbing onto Shuichi's collar and pulling his face down to his height. This action made Shuichi say,'?!' as his soulmate spoke. "But we just found out we were soulmates! Can't the investigation wait another day? I mean, come on, it's not going anywhere!"

Shuichi looked away, his cheeks growing warmer than they already were before. "Y-You're right, but..." Something about this felt weird, almost like Usosuki had alternative motives other than just spending time with him and getting to know him. Though, he couldn't think of anything. Nothing within reason, of course.

Kokichi pecked Shuichi's cheek while playing with one of the buttons on his jacket. "You should just stay with me, we can get to know each other and find out why we're compatible together~ I mean, the numbers don't lie, do they?"

Shuichi sighed, nodding. "I mean, yes, but..." his non-confrontational self was panicking. How was he supposed to tell Usosuki that this case really was important and that they couldn't risk anything happening.

Kokichi smiled, looking up at Shuichi with a wicked grin. "So, you'll stay here with me, right?"

"Y-Yeah... I'll tell Kyoko right now... I'm sure she'll understand." Shuichi finally gave in, mentally berating himself. God damn it.. He was such an idiot. Why didn't he have any confidence? Why couldn't he say 'no'? God, he's such a pushover-

Shuichi's kill-me-now thoughts were cut off by a small and short kiss to the lips from Usosuki. "Yaaayy!!"

Said male backed away, doing a lil' spin with a cheeky-ass grin on his face. Truth is, Kokichi wasn't stupid. He knew how dangerous this was. A phantom thief in a life-or-death relationship with one of the only people who had the power to reveal him? It was just going to be fun. Even better was that he was absolutely sure that Shuichi would find out soon enough. The trippy part that made it exciting was the when.

Shuichi sighed for the millionth time that day, grabbing his phone and opening up to Kyoko's contact. He then pressed the call button, putting the phone up to his ear and signaling for Usosuki to be quiet. The gremlin nodded, grinning cheekily. He looked around the room as Shuichi spoke with Kyoko; he never really got a chance to explore.

"Hey, Shuichi, what's the problem? You never call unless it's important." Kyoko questioned after picking up on the other end of the phone.

"W-Well... Usosuki is my soulmate... and my roommate."
"Congratulations. However, you're calling to tell me this why? We're about to investigate together, you could have told me then. In person."
"A-About that... W-Well... I wanna stay here a-and get to know him a b-bit... so.. can we investigate tomorrow instead?"
"And risk the chance of the culprit tampering with the evidence?"

Kyoko hung up abruptly, making Shuichi wince. Damn it. He should have told Usosuki no...

Speak of the devil... Kokichi wrapped his arm around on of Shuichi's, clinging on to his arm. "Sooo, how'd it go?"

"Not well.." Shuichi sighed. He felt Kokichi lead him over to the couch, sitting the both of them down.

"It's fiiiine. She doesn't get us! She's jealous, y'know! So, let's watch a movie!" Kokichi smiled reassuringly. Shuichi was surprisingly easy to manipulate! How cute.

Shuichi nodded, not exactly understanding what the slightly sinister vibe that Kokichi gave off meant. I mean, yeah, he was suspicious, but not a bad person... right? He nearly shivered at the thought. He's heard horror stories of people going to support groups because their soulmate was abusive, toxic, or died soon after meeting them. He didn't want to be one of those people. And, looking at Kokichi, he didn't seem like someone who's abusive or toxic or anything.

"Helllooooo??" Shuichi snapped out of his slight daze to Kokichi snapping his fingers in his face. "Earth to Shumai??"

"Sh-Shumai?!" Warmth once again rose to Shuichi's cheeks.

"What? It suits you~"

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