Chapter 14; Return

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Also my cousin wants me to publish this story professionally lol-


It was late at night, and Kokichi went over to his gang members who hadn't moved spots yet to get clothes. They welcomed him back with open arms, however he had to leave very quickly and wouldn't explain why.

It was probably around 3 AM when Kokichi snuck into the familiar Hope's Peak Academy. And then into his old dorm.

He lock-picked the door, entering slowly.

Shuichi was laying on the couch, the TV on, as he was asleep. He seemed to have only just fallen asleep as there were drying tears on his face.

Kokichi frowned and closed the door behind him, locking it as well and sitting down next to his soulmate. He tucked a piece of blue hair behind the taller boy's ear, smiling as the other smiled in his sleep.

"Hey, Saihara-Chan..!"
"Guess who!"

The bluenette opened his eyes groggily, unable to process what was happening in his sleepy state. He eventually got his vision to settle and his eyes to properly send messages to his brain, and that's when it registered. "K-Kokichi!"

Shuichi felt more tears pour out of his eyes as he hugged his soulmate tightly. "B-But you're in prison! I'm dreaming, right..?"

Kokichi giggled and shook his head, wrapping his arms around Shuichi in a gentle hug. "Of course you aren't dreaming! I just escaped."

"You did what?!" Shuichi pulled away, a slightly angered look on his face.

"Oh, c'mon!" Kokichi rolled his eyes with a pout. "It's fiiiine!"

Shuichi sighed, kissing Kokichi on the cheek. "Let's just enjoy this little bit of time together, okay? With our track record, who knows how long it will las-"

A knock was heard on the door, followed by a female voice calling Shuichi's name.

"Fuck, it's Kyoko.."

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