Chapter 7; Boom.

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This was, by far, my favorite chapter to write!

Also this might be triggering if you don't like blood but it's Danganronpa so-


Kokichi grinned at the sound of the familiar voice, averting his attention to the lavender haired girl. "Kyokooo~! We haven't seen each other in soooooo long~! Tell me, how's your wife?" He froze, letting out a small and fake gasp,"Oh, wait! I'm sorry, I forgot that you shot her."

Shuichi's eyes widened. "Kokichi! You're going too far!"
"No, Shuichi, it's fine." The calm voice of his (former?) friend silenced him in mere moments. However, looking carefully, he could see the glare in her eyes. She was mad, wasn't she? "Kokichi Ouma, you're under arrest for the stealing of 13 major gems and robbery of 82 small jewlery stores."

"Awwww, me? Under arrest?" Kokichi let out a heartful laugh,"Yeah, mhm, maybe! Only after you caaatch meeee~!" The small teen began running around the area, obviously not running away, but still resisting arrest in a way.

Kyoko took calm and collected steps closer to him, her hand preparing to pull out her gun if she had to,"Quit resisting, Mr. Ouma. I do not wish to use force against you."

Kokichi stopped in his place, looking back on the detective. "I'd like to see you try."

At that, she took out her gun and pointed it towards him,"Please, come here so we can handcuff you and get you to the police station." Her head turned towards Shuichi, a slightly confused look on her face. "Shuichi, aren't you going to help?"

Shuichi cringed lightly, taking a few steps away from the scene,"I-I... H-He's my soulmate, Kyoko... I can't..."

Kyoko glared at the bluenette,"So?"

"So?! Kyoko, I can't hurt my soulmate! I-I.. I love him!"
"So?" Her voice was hard and cold. Like metal.

Shuichi took a few steps closer to Kokichi. "...You really did shoot her then, didn't you..? Kokichi... he wasn't lying..."

"And you worked with the enemy. You're lucky that I'm not arresting you as well."

Shuichi decided that it was time for acting. He let out a sigh and spoke once again. "Fine, then, Kyoko..." he took more steps towards his soulmate, making the other look at him with mild confusion.


The clank of metal handcuffs was heard as Shuichi grabbed Kokichi's hands, facing away from Kyoko. It was then that he whispered, ever so silently.


And with that, his hands almost completely lost their grip of Kokichi's wrist, allowing Kokichi to easily slip out of his hold. "Nishishi~! What a weak soulmate I have!"

"You leave me no choice, Ouma!" Kyoko exclaimed, the clank of a safety trigger getting removed quickly was heard, followed behind a single gunshot.

"Haha! Missed m-"


Kokichi fell to the ground, sharp pain flowing through him right in his stomach. He looked down, blood slowly pouring out of a bullet wound. He wouldn't allow the life to leave his body as he tried to take deep breaths.

Shuichi gasped. "K-Kokichi!" He ran up to his soulmate, tears around his eyes as he took off his jacket to apply pressure to the wound. He didn't care when the crimson red was visible through the cloth, nor when it got over his hands, shirt, pants, and face.

Kyoko took a walkie-talkie out of her pocket. "This is detective and police officer Kyoko Kirigiri, requesting paramedics at a scene of a crime. An alleyway behind Ocean Avenue's Walmart. Victim is a young male who resisted arrest."

— — —

Next chapter will be kinda short sorry-

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