Chapter 3; Puppy Love

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Bro im just i-


Kokichi smiled up at Shuichi, his head resting in the detective's lap. They had just watched a movie together, and Kokichi payed attention to absolutely none of it. Was there a plot? Don't know. Did any of the characters even have names? Don't ask him! All he knew is that Shuichi solved every single mystery that there was before the characters in the movie did.

"Wowie! You really are a detective! You didn't get a single prediction wrong!" Kokichi spoke, sitting up.

Shuichi looked away, flustered from the complement. "Th-They weren't 'predictions' they were just... educated guesses."

Kokichi blinked. "That's just predictions with extra steps."

"..I mean... yeah, kinda-"

The grape bursted into a fit of laughter, wrapping his arms around Shuichi's shoulders and giving him a hug. "aHAHA- Shumai, you're sooooo funny!"

Shuichi stiffened up at the sudden hug. Oh dear. Physical contact is his weakness.

Kokichi pulled away after a moment, quickly standing up and dragging Shuichi off the couch and onto his feet. "Let's go for a walk, Shumai!"

The detective stumbled to his feat. "A-Ah! Uso! Slow down!" However, said male didn't listen, dragging Shuichi along to the door and quickly pulling them out.

"Let's buy something yummy!"

And in a flash they were together, in a store, buying a bunch of sweets, fruit, and soda. When they got to the checkout, Kokichi opened his wallet and was about to grab money before Shuichi stopped him.

"No, let me get this."
"No, you're new to school, after all. Let me treat you, Usosuki."

This made a soft twinge of guilt flood into Kokichi's heart. Oh... He had almost unlimited amounts of money from all of the jewels he's stolen. Jewels which Shuichi was trying to recover. And Shuichi didn't even know.

He felt his guilt be replaced by a mental smirk. Ha! What a sucker! "Alrighty then, if you're sure!"

The two boys checked out, walking out of the store hand-in-hand. Each of them had a few bags in the hand that wasn't being held. They didn't share much conversation along the way, only cute and happy glances. They knew each other for not even a day, and they were both already head-over heels. Guess that's what it means to have a soulmate, huh?

As they got back to the dorm, Shuichi used his key to open the door. They went inside and put away the things that needed to be refrigerated.

"Hey, hey, Saihara-Chan!" The gremlin's calls gained Shuichi's attention.

"Yes, Usosuki?"

Kokichi grabbed something from one of their bags, running it under the water momentarily before going back up to Shuichi with whatever he was holding behind his back. "C'mon, why do you have to be so taaaallll~??" He pouted.

Shuichi laughed a little, bending a little so that he was at eye-level with Kokichi. "Is this any better?"

Kokichi nodded, using his free hand to open Shuichi's mouth - which got him a skeptical look. "Nishishi~" And with that, Kokichi stuffed a strawberry into Shuichi's mouth. Said male's face turned an embarrassing shade of dark red. Was Usosuki actually... feeding him..?

Shuichi closed his eyes in hope to avoid eye contact as he took a bite from the fruit, feeling it move away from his lips after he did so. He peeked open an eye to see Usosuki taking a bite out of the same strawberry. Oh god- He felt his face burn even hotter than it already did. Was he being like this on purpose, or was he just hopelessly innocent?

He hoped it was the latter.

Spoiler alert: it wasn't, but we'll get into that next chapter (;

Kokichi stared up at the blunette, fake Innocence shining in his eyes. "Hm? What's the matter? You look awfully red, Shumai~"

This, of course, only made him turn even more red. Shuichi covered his flushed face with his hands, figuring that Usosuki really was just too innocent to know. So, he sighed.

"D-Don't worry about it... let's eat."
"Don't have to tell me twice!"

Kokichi took out a bottle of grape Panta, pouring it into a cup with some ice. "What else should we get? We got cake, fruit, popcorn, whatever!"

Shuichi shrugged looking through the bags and finding a tub of ice cream, holding it out to Kokichi with a 'Should we?' kinda look. Kokichi nodded.

"I like your taste, detective."

He grabbed the hem of Shuichi's jacket, pulling him along to the couch once again.

"U-Usosuki, wait! We need spoons and stuff..!"
"Oh, yeah, oops!"

So, after getting that settled, they sat on the couch together, Kokichi sitting on Shuichi's lap as they snacked on the newly bought food.

Suddenly, Kokichi took the tub of ice cream from Shuichi's hands, putting it on the coffee table in front of them. "Usosuki? What is it?"

Said male turned around so he was straddling Shuichi instead of sitting on his lap. Needless to say that the detective went bright red really fast.

"U-Uso..? What're you-"

The shy detective was silenced by a kiss. Oh dear, looks like things are gonna get steamy.

What if I put smut in the next chapter? Nah, jkjk...


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