Chapter 18 - She'll be the death of me

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Chapter 18 - 1/2

Leah breathed out a puff of air, she could faintly see little clouds forming In-front of her face, it was getting colder by day.

Currently, she was waiting In-front of her tuition center building for Ethan to arrive with Rufus. Today was Sunday and that meant she had extra classes until four. She had agreed with Ethan to bring Rufus to the vet together since he wasn't quite sure what to do.

She didn't complain since she too wanted to see the cute kitten after two days of only seeing him through pictures sent by Ethan.

Texting between Ethan and her were becoming more frequent. 

As she waited, the sound of car engine bought her head up to see a familiar man parking a grey car beside the sidewalk and in his hand, was a cream-and-blue cage she remembered choosing.

"Leah" Ethan said with a wide smile,

For the first time, she saw him wearing a black jacket, rather than his usual leather jacket, and grey combat pants. He looked casual and less intimidating like that.

She walked towards him, looking at the cage.

"Hold it gentler" she didn't mean to scold him but seeing him handling the cage in his hand as if there was nothing inside made her worried a bit. She grabbed the cage and open it to see the little ginger kitten sitting in one corner while his body tremble slightly.

"I am here" Leah let out as she reached towards Rufus slowly to not scare him, while the kitten leaned closer to sniff her hand before diving into it comfortably, Leah send the man a glare.

She took the cat out of the cage and cradled it tenderly in her arms while cooing softly to reassure it.

"The vet is close, we can walk from here" she said at Ethan as he closed the cage and nodded his head. They then walked together. 

"What happened to your jacket?" Leah asked as they walked side by side down the street, shoulders brushing once in a while her hands softly rubbed the cat's fur.

Ethan looked down on his attire and rubbed the back of his neck embarrassingly. "Do you not like it? I woke up this morning to a smell in my room and soon realize that the little devil had peed on it" he said, sending a glare at the end to Rufus. 

As if feeling his glare, Rufus lifted his head up and hissed lowly back at him.

Leah chuckled, she finds it funny how the two males don't seem to get along with one another.

"I think you look fine" she said with a genuine smile as Ethan let out a sigh of relief, she then frowned slightly, "I am sorry for what happened at your jacket. If the smell still doesn't disappear, I'll buy you a new one" she said apologetically.

Ethan smiled softly at her, shaking his head, "You don't need to buy me a new one but if it makes you feel better, maybe you can follow me to choose which jacket would suit me the best" he said.

The blonde girl laughed slightly and nodded her head, "Let's hope the smell does disappear though, I don't trust my style to fit with your look. Unless you wouldn't mind wearing bunny ears for a change?" she joked, briefly looking at him.

"I wouldn't mind if you wanted to..." Ethan murmured underneath his breath.

"What was that?" Leah asked,

Ethan offered her a smile before facing forward towards their direction, "Nothing"

Soon, they reached the vet located in one the connected buildings surrounding the area, and the two high schoolers waited patiently as the doctor examined Rufus and give him his shots.

After the check-up, Leah and Ethan stood behind the counter, waiting for the payment. Leah held the little ginger kitten in her arms and soothingly rubbed its fur while they waited.

"Is this your first pet?" the woman behind the table asked curiously at the two. Leah shakes her head before glancing at Ethan, "I had a cat before but this is his first time taking care one"

The woman hummed in understanding, smiling cheekily at the two, "You two are such couple goals taking care of a pet together, I remember my husband once did the same with a fish but sadly it died on our third anniversary" the woman rambled.

Leah's cheeks reddened, this was what she worried the most, people misunderstanding them, they were just friends!

"Ma'am, we're not-

Before she could finish her sentence, the door opened revealing another nurse who came with a receipt, she handed it to the receptionist before they conversed regarding work.

She pursed her lips, feeling embarrassed, she turned her head to her left slightly and sighed in relief when she saw Ethan looking at a Siamese cat on the floor, he probably didn't hear her.

She soon focused back at Rufus who meowed for her to continue with her soothing rubs and pats.

Unbeknownst to her, a certain person was smiling from ear to ear as he recalled the words the lady said earlier. Ethan was so damn happy, so damn glad that people thought they were dating.

Soon, she wouldn't need to feel the need to correct other people anymore.

After the vet visit, Ethan and Leah walked out of the building in search of food.

"Should we go there?" Leah asked as she saw the fast food restaurant that she didn't manage to buy anything from before.

Ethan looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

"If you don't mind"

She smiled and walked towards the building, "Why would I?" she asked, glancing briefly at him before facing forward, "You're here with me" Leah pushed the glass door and entered, leaving a certain brunet flushed and taken aback from the words she carelessly said.

Ethan groaned, rubbing his face in frustration, all he wanted to do was just embrace her and see her lips swollen from his kisses for saying something that would make a man like him misunderstood.

"Leah... you will be the death of me" he said to himself before composing himself enough to enter the restaurant.

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