Three Minutes of your attention!!

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Since I write in my laptop, the pages in the document may seem longer here so you will often see something like this '1/3'  above each page to indicate the content of one chapter. In my experience as a reader, too long pages can bore you so I cut it in parts. 

I've been inside the community of Wattpad for a few years now but only as a reader in a different account. I had these stories inside my head and typed in my laptop but never had the courage to publish them to the public. And due to a few other couple of reasons. 

You can partially say the pandemic has been one of the reasons why I suddenly now taken the first step into becoming a proper writer, trainee if you may call it, and I admit, I feel a little nervous about it to be honest. Nonetheless, I am in no rush, I will take everything in my pace and see where everything goes. 

This will be my first ever book to publish-not to write but still, I may overlook some mistakes. And it is completely fine, encourage even to correct them or state your opinions in a rational, mature and professional manner. Please do remember, by the end of the day, I am as much of a human as you are. 

If you reached this far, thank you for reading until the end and please look forward to my work! 

Appreciation and love, the Paper Plane

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