Chapter 23 - Dinner

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Chapter 23 - 1/2

"So Leah..."

Leah chewed the food in her mouth awkwardly, lifting her head up to meet the two woman that sat across her. Ethan on her left, Ethan's grandmother whose name she had learn was Lisa across him, and Jennifer sat In-front of her with a wide playful smile.

Earlier, when she had managed to clear the misunderstandings at Jennifer, much to her displeasure, the older woman had requested her to stay for dinner. Leah felt like she wanted to dig a hole for herself. She felt embarrassed, and quite frankly very stupid.

How on earth did she somehow stumble herself into such position, with her male friend to begin with, In-front of his aunt!

Leah could only hope they would soon forget the incident.

"How did you two know each other?"

"Pardon?" Leah asked, swallowing her food before taking a small sip of the water from the house glass.

Ethan stared at it for a while.

Jennifer shrugged her shoulders, a warm smile on her face, "I am just curious. You two don't even go to the same school" she said, "And when I ask Ethan, he never answers" she shot Ethan a playful glare.

Ethan's aunt, Jennifer, then continued "To be fair, I think even if you did, my nephew wouldn't even have met you much less be acquainted, since that's the troublemaker he is, skipping schools every day to fight in the gym he works in" she rambled on, Ethan shot her a threatening glare.

Leah blinked, glancing briefly at Ethan, "I didn't know you work at a gym" she muttered lowly.

Ethan leaned closer to her, "I wanted to tell you but I always forgot" he wanted to reassure any doubts from her thinking he didn't feel like she was significant enough to know where he worked at.

For God sake, she's the only person he lets enter his room besides his aunt.

Leah nodded lightly, not even analyzing too seriously much like Ethan thought inside his constantly overthinking head.

Jennifer watched the two youths leaning close to one another, muttering things she could obviously hear from sitting across them. An excited smile on her face.

Leah cleared her throat when she saw Jennifer giving them a weird smile. She straightened her back and replied, "We met once while I was on my way home... We bumped into one another"

Jennifer hummed in understanding, "Is that so..." she draws out and then continues to ask more question regarding how exactly did their relationship developed. Leah tried her best to answer the questions as closest to the truth as possible without in any form, offending Ethan regarding her past impressions of him.

She admitted, the first impression he gave her wasn't the best, but she learns to move forward and appreciate what he had done for her until now. Taking care of Rufus with her, bringing her to the bridge for a breath of fresh air she never thought she needed, and even walk her home every day.

There wasn't much ill she could spoke about him.

Leah felt comfortable with Ethan.

She could only hope that Ethan also felt comfortable with her. Maybe too comfortable. 

"Well, as you are a friend of Ethan's who's not only somehow convinced him to go to school," Jennifer lifted both of her eyebrows at Ethan before looking back at her, "I really hope to see you around more, you are always free to come visit and have dinner with us. We're a family now, dear" she finished off with a welcoming smile.

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