Chapter 1

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Kyle's pov

it's the last day of the summer holidays and me, Rebecca and Kenny are spending it in the best way possible. we're sitting in Rebecca's room, playing call of duty advanced warfare online yelling and annoying random people. so far we've gotten about four death threats but hey, who said were we lived and who we are?

Rebecca gasps and points an accusing finger at the screen, " HOW DARE YOU!! you just shot down the president!!"

the guy stops speaking and Kenny buts in "misses president, are you okay?" He asks putting authority into his voice

" I think she's okay. it's just a flesh wound" i add

Rebecca giggles and makes during sounds and after a "what the fuck?!" said by XxdiexXxxxX he leaves the party.

"I think Rebecca that you should be nominated as worlds best sorry I mean worst actor." I say smirking

" I agree. you'd be the worsest" Kenny adds and I face palmed

"HEY!! at least I know what is a word and what isn't" she comments and Kenny's cheeks heat up embarrassed.

I snatch the controller and show Rebecca really how to play some cod. I've been playing quite a lot because I've been bored without Ike to play with but hey it's a bonus that I'm good at the game right?

I start to quick scope some people and basically snipe them out. Rebecca jumps up and down.


" I can't join. I'm in falcon lovers sniper clan" Ken says and I glare at him

"you'd pick PEWDIEPIE over ME? I'm quite offended. so Rebecca my sniper clam is called snipememlg360blazeit#quickscopekingXxxxXXXXxxx and it costs $9.09 to join for a week. so what us think? we also have bitches, strippers, poles, a guy named dick and miley cyrus and also lorde"

"I would say yes, until you mentioned lorde" she answers I giggle like a man does

" she's their as a distraction. she will most likely die when we charge into battle." I answer back

"male or female strippers? old or young? I don't want no saggy tits. bouncy ones are the best" Kenny says and I gag at the saggy and bouncy part. just no. yuck

"ewwwwwwwwww!!! not cool Kenneth!" I shout hitting him with the case for the game he snickered and shouts


Rebecca starts laughing and I throw my pillow at Kenny. too far. I'll talk changes in a women with Rebecca but wrinkled old lady parts draw a line that shouldn't be crossed. just no. kenny grabs the pillow and starts hitting me with it. rebecca giggles and starts tickling me. i explode into a fit of giggles.

"Kyle........Kyle.........Kyle.... guys don't giggle!" Kenny says

"wait Kyle's considered a guy?" rebbeca adds Kenny thinks for a moement.

"I'm not sure"

"HEY!! I'm a guy! i have a dick!!" i argue

"girls can have dicks" Kenny says and i cover my ears and rebecca gags

"TO FAR!!!!!" we both shout.

we all end up in fits of laughter on the floor that rebeccas brother has to come in the room to tell us to shut the fuck up. it just makes us laugh more.


there you go!! first chapter of the sequel!! the ocs ive chosen will be in chapter 3. im excited for this book. i have a question

i reacently got netflix and i dont know what movies are good to watch. or tv shows. ive watched some buffy the vampire slayer and have thought of watching breaking bad, watch do you think?

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